Cultural Planning Toolkit

Creative City Network

Year: 2010

Using this Toolkit

This toolkit is a guide for the process of cultural planning in a community. It includes an adaptable model and practical checklists for navigating and charting progress. Background material and additional details are provided on a companion website.

The toolkit has been developed to encourage community leaders, planners and local government staff to explore the potential of cultural planning. In particular, we hope to demonstrate how cultural resources can support the delivery of a spectrum of community priorities.

The publication is written for everyone, whether directly or tangentially involved in both cultural and community planning, including:

  • Community leaders and organizations both within and outside the cultural sector itself;
  • Local government staff with responsibility for cultural or community services and policy development;
  • Elected council members – those with economic development and business portfolios as well as those with cultural and heritage portfolios; and
  • Those in local government and its many partner organizations engaged in education, health, revitalization, environment, planning, community safety, transportation and other sectors to which cultural resources can make unique contributions.

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