There are many opportunities for organizations to benefit themselves, as well as the economies that sustain them, by making minor adjustments to the way that they purchase goods and services….
The Community Benefits Movement and CBAs Community Benefit Agreements (CBAs) — deals between developers and coalitions of community organizations, addressing a broad range of community needs — are safeguards to…
Babita Bhatt and Tessa Hebb have developed a new Social Metrics Primer to measure social value. The primer guides readers through the process of measuring social outputs and valuing social…
Greening the economy at the local level will bring jobs, prosperity, and help us address the environmental challenges we’re facing. That is the finding of Green Economy at Community Scale,…
A research report prepared for the Northern Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan Regional Node of the Social Economy Suite This paper, prepared for the Canadian CED Network (CCEDNet), explores the state…
When the social economy was introduced to the Canadian policy agenda in 2004, it aroused great interest among community-based stakeholders and policy makers. It also raised many questions of definition,…
This guide provides background on the social economy, identifies research issues whose examination would support the development of policies and programs, provides suggestions for how this research might be conducted,…
The first segment of the session focused on the power of CBAs as a tool for responsible redevelopment. Discussion centered on the imbalance of power among the parties involved in…
Immigrant and refugee persons face serious settlement challenges. Integrating into their new community is made exceedingly difficult due to their limited social and professional networks, the non-recognition of foreign experience…
Although not exhaustive, this literature review provides a picture of current international discourse on the public policy significance of the Social Economy (SE). Key findings suggest that the SE is…
The second paper builds on this literature review by focusing on the public policy instruments used to support the Social Economy in different jurisdictions. Specific policy instruments are identified that…
This toolkit was developed to meet the needs of the Nishnawbe First Nation. However, since its creation it has been utilized by many aboriginal and non-aboriginal organizations and communities throughout…