There are many opportunities for organizations to benefit themselves, as well as the economies that sustain them, by making minor adjustments to the way that they purchase goods and services….
These reviews built on trends toward the contracting out of community services that began in earnest in BC in the 1980s. Faced with pressure to do more with less, governments…
Plan d’action gouvernemental pour l’entrepreunariat collectif Le Plan d’action gouvernemental pour l’entrepreneuriat collectif vise à optimiser l’impact de ce secteur d’activité économique où se retrouvent des coopératives et des organismes…
Le gouvernement du Québec lance un vaste mouvement en faveur de l’approvisionnement des organismes publics et municipaux en biens et en services produits par des entreprises collectives. Les initiatives visent…
The socio-political and economic conditions in North America have been undergoing a considerable shift over the last several decades. The end of the post-WWII golden age heralded the gradual erosion…
”This book gives an insight into personal leadership, enterprising solutions and value creation, making it as relevant to practitioners engaged in social enterprise, urban regeneration and community empowerment as it…
How to assess what works among programmes and policies Policy evaluation poses conceptual, technical and institutional challenges, particularly in the case of local development. Data is often inadequate and multiple…
This book is both important and timely. Written by practitioners who are also academics, the book combines solid research, observation and practical experience that speak forcefully to the need for…
This is one of the Canadian CED Network’s CED in Manitoba Profiles Project produced 50 stories of Manitoba communities working to build fairer and stronger local economies, reduce poverty, and revitalize neighbourhoods. The…
Public attention has focused increasingly on innovative strategies to expand employment, in the context of intransigent and high unemployment levels, slow job growth, and government cutbacks. For roughly 20 million…
This is one of the Canadian CED Network’s CED in Manitoba Profiles Project produced 50 stories of Manitoba communities working to build fairer and stronger local economies, reduce poverty, and revitalize neighbourhoods. Looking…
The Community Action Kit We say we want vibrant local economies, healthy neighborhoods and downtown areas, and less sprawl into our outlying green spaces—but we don’t always support the existing…