This reader is an early project of the B.C. – Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA). Sharing key readings relevant to BALTA’s central research questions was viewed as an efficient…
A set of workbooks to guide Community Development from the Assest-Based Community Development Network at Northwestern University in Illinois.
Social franchising is a groundbreaking concept offering nonprofit organizations the opportunity to create reliable, unrestricted wealth to support mission activities. As traditional funding sources become shallow or dry up altogether,…
The Alberta Community and Co-operative Association (ACCA) is pleased to present the CED Toolkit which was developed by ACCA for use by Alberta Community Economic Development Network Cooperative (AB CEDNet)…
This manual supplies a thorough method for assessing social enterprise – what it might offer your community or organization, your readiness for it, and steps for launching and maintaining a…
This report draws together information from all of the research projects conducted as part of the Manitoba Research Alliance on Community Economic Development in the New Economy. It includes sections…
This Insurance Toolkit for the Voluntary Sector is a practical guide developed to help voluntary sector organizations understand their insurance needs and navigate the complex process of finding the appropriate…
This report presents and discusses statistics for agricultural co-operatives from 1998 to 2002. The information in this report is obtained from the Canadian Annual Survey of Co-operatives, a voluntary survey…
This is a guide about rebuilding troubled communities. It is meant to be simple, basic and usable. Whatever wisdom it contains flows directly out of the experience of courageous and…
There is no question that co-operatives lead by example. Not only do they provide a way to successfully meet the economic and social needs of Canadians, but they are also…
Worker Co-operative Success Stories showcases some unique achievements made by worker co-operatives in Canada. As you will see from these stories, co-operatives are actively involved in the socio-economic and community…
Health care co-operatives provide services to Canadians through an approach focused on prevention of illness and user responsibility. While health care co-operatives are new to most provinces, they have been…