Mark Cabaj summarizes focal points in the discussion of evaluating community-based economic development initiatives: the need to specify why an evaluation is to take place, by whom, and how quantitative…
This literature review of community development evaluation examines eight specific evaluation methods. It also provides examples of a range for practical tools and evaluation exercises focused on the needs of…
One in six Americans now lives in poverty — the highest level in half a century. Poverty has spread beyond cities to suburbs and rural communities and is being transferred…
Developmental evaluation (DE) offers a powerful approach to monitoring and supporting social innovations by working in partnership with program decision makers. In this book, eminent authority Michael Quinn Patton shows…
The gap between the rich and the poor in Canada has widened dramatically over the last two decades and the depth and duration of poverty has increased. Children, women, lone…
This document presents a “how to” approach to evaluating place-based initiatives. It discusses ten questions that an evaluation of place-based initiatives needs to address, although they could also be useful…
As a community, Prince George is different than Brampton, which is different than St. John’s. Place-based approaches are bottom-up interventions that acknowledge the impact local realities can have on program…
Collaborative place-based approaches (PBAs) have emerged as a means of addressing “wickedly” complex issues: those that have many interacting causes and are seen to require multiple actors to develop a…
All charities registered under the Income Tax Act are required by law to devote their resources to exclusively charitable purposes and activities. Although a charity can use some of its…
For a detailed list of return on investment (ROI), social return on investment (SROI), cost-benefit calculations and evaluation resources for CED efforts, social enterprises and related initiatives, see the SROI…
This guide builds on the concepts outlined in A Developmental Evaluation Primer by articulating some of the key practices associated with this work. These practices were identified and developed through…
The intent of this document is to introduce the concept of developmental evaluation to potential users and to provide some tools to support its use. The work to explore developmental…