Community Consultation Standards The objective of the community consultation guide is to prepare researchers to visit a Keewaytinook and Okimakanak (KO) affiliated community in North Western Ontario. It is a…
Close to 400 products were generated through the various research projects coming out of the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP). This body of research is a substantial contribution to…
First Nations people have been counted and studied since the time of early contact. The data that have been collected have largely been used to tell stories about First Nations…
This report draws together information from all of the research projects conducted as part of the Manitoba Research Alliance on Community Economic Development in the New Economy. It includes sections…
The explosive and dramatic growth of poverty in Winnipeg, and strategies for combating poverty, are the subject of this collection. Some of the chapters discuss the severity and the consequences…
There is no question that co-operatives lead by example. Not only do they provide a way to successfully meet the economic and social needs of Canadians, but they are also…
Worker Co-operative Success Stories showcases some unique achievements made by worker co-operatives in Canada. As you will see from these stories, co-operatives are actively involved in the socio-economic and community…
This paper is part of a larger research study on the Aboriginal co-operative movement (A Report on Aboriginal Co-operatives in Canada: Current Situation and Potential for Growth). The study was…