Since the early 1980s, the community economic development corporations (CDECs) created by community groups involved in health, housing, welfare and other issues – have become major non-profit associations. CDECs offer support for…
Offering a loan to help a non-profit day care in a low-income community expand its services; helping members make socially responsible investments; providing preferential rates for the purchase of fuel efficient cars;…
This information sheet is part of the Tailor-Made series, which aims to share evidence about the difference the community sector makes to our lives. Specifically, this information sheet looks at the role…
Across the world, attitudes are changing. Old certainties about tightly defined roles for government, civil society and business are dissolving. Charities and non-profits are becoming more business-like, and business is looking…
Creating more and better quality jobs is key to boosting growth, reducing poverty and increasing social cohesion. At the national level, job creation requires a stable macroeconomic framework coupled with…
For those who work on combating growing numbers of problem properties, and who are looking to expand the available toolbox of options, the buzz these days is all about land…
The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) was enacted in 2000 as part of the bipartisan Community Renewal Tax Relief Act (P.L. 106-554), which then President Bill Clinton called “the most…
The Community Futures Program (CFP) supports Community Economic Development (CED) and builds the self-reliance and capacity of communities to realize their full sustainable potential. The objectives of the CFP in support of…
It is common for people without work to experience not one, but multiple barriers to employment. Success Themes in Supportive Employment identifies practices that contribute to the success which certain…
Focused on directing private capital into projects and ventures whose aims are to deliver measurable social outcomes, impact investment (or social finance) has the potential to foster innovation in the…
In their September 2013 declaration, G20 leaders agreed that creating more and better quality jobs should be at the heart of government policies in the recovery, not only to create…
Fostering resilient communities and building wealth in today’s local economies is necessary to achieve individual, regional, and national economic security. A community wealth building strategy employs a range of forms…