Social enterprises contribute to addressing today’s key social challenges – including poverty, social exclusion and unemployment – as well as overcoming gaps in generalinterest service delivery. They also promote sustainable…
In response to fiscal pressures and broader societal trends, many governments are seeking to unlock greater value from their infrastructure investments and procurement spending. Through community benefits and social procurement…
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals are a global commitment to “transforming our world” and eradicating poverty in all its forms everywhere. The challenge now…
CCEDNet-Manitoba has, in response to the Manitoba government’s invitation for pre-budget submissions, provided recommendations that bring a CED perspective to the 2017/2018 budget. Our submission, which was sent to the…
First Nations reconciliation has to include rebuilding local economies. Problem solvers such as social enterprises, social entrepreneurs and the small farm movement are demonstrating we can tackle society’s most stubborn…
Entrepreneurs in Alberta are seeking access to affordable capital to grow and expand their businesses. Albertans often want to invest in small, locally-owned businesses that benefit their communities — businesses…
The Effectiveness of Collaborative Processes or the Co-Construction of Public Policy The stated goal of the UNRISD conference held May 6-8, 2013, in Geneva, Switzerland was “to explore the potential and…
The Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) contains close to 2000 aging high-rise apartment towers, many of which house low-income populations. Significant physical rehabilitation coupled with social and economic revitalization is needed…
Interest in community benefits has been growing in Ontario over the last few years, as a way of ensuring that public and private infrastructure investments foster prosperity and well-being in…
While Malaysia has achieved much in reducing hard core poverty by lifting the quality of life for a majority of Malaysians, we are now faced with the reality of increasing…
The Open Works research project aimed to test if a platform approach could scale up the new type of ‘participation culture’ that has emerged over the last 6 – 10…
Municipalia is a fictitious, but typical, New Brunswick community which has an interest in developing a community wind project to supplement it’s annual cash flow. The Province of New Brunswick has…