This study takes advantage of many years of direct action research, based in consulting and working with people across Ontario and Canada and focused generally at looking at the experience…
Looking around at the wreckage left in the wake of the world economy’s latest crisis, veteran business journalist Marjorie Kelly noticed that some institutions were left relatively unscathed. What did…
There is very little argument that the world is facing severe environmental challenges. Ongoing air and water pollution, increasing energy consumption, and the depletion of natural resources have all placed…
Community Development Halton has followed with attention the growth of neighbourhood development initiatives across North America and Europe. We celebrate the strong sense of place- based work where neighbourhood residents…
Babita Bhatt and Tessa Hebb have developed a new Social Metrics Primer to measure social value. The primer guides readers through the process of measuring social outputs and valuing social…
These reviews built on trends toward the contracting out of community services that began in earnest in BC in the 1980s. Faced with pressure to do more with less, governments…
About the Report: There have been a number of writers who have accurately identified the fundamental flaws within the current hegemonic financial and ownership system that support, and drive, unsustainable…
This paper from Living Cities analyzes the structures and behaviors of effective cross-sector partnerships to provide a framework for how to best achieve measurable impact. Author Alison Gold examines four…
The richest 400 Americans now own more wealth than the bottom 180 million taken together. The political system is in deadlock. Social and economic pain continue to grow. Environmental devastation…
Earlier this year, Atira Property Management Inc. (APMI) contracted Ernst & Young to perform a Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis. The purpose of the SROI analysis is to determine…
Human history is largely the story of communities, punctuated by examples of cooperatives–in fact, our level of cooperative behavior is one of the attributes that makes us most human. In…
Greening the economy at the local level will bring jobs, prosperity, and help us address the environmental challenges we’re facing. That is the finding of Green Economy at Community Scale,…