Social enterprises have emerged as viable business models that create a blended return on investment as a result of the multiple economic, social, and environmental benefits they bring to local…
The socio-political and economic conditions in North America have been undergoing a considerable shift over the last several decades. The end of the post-WWII golden age heralded the gradual erosion…
Seeking to address the investment financing challenge that co-operatives face, this research explores the potential for building on existing legislation in Manitoba to create a province-wide Community Development Investment Fund…
This paper describes innovative financing and delivery mechanisms for getting long-term unemployed people back into work. Finance can be innovative especially when it comes from non-public sources, when it is…
”This book gives an insight into personal leadership, enterprising solutions and value creation, making it as relevant to practitioners engaged in social enterprise, urban regeneration and community empowerment as it…
Three Key Steps to Public Policy Advocacy Creating a supportive policy environment is an essential, and often daunting task for many non-profit organizations. The Canadian CED Network has created a…
The current state of evaluation in the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors points to the need for a more strategic approach to evaluation. In this guide, we provide a framework and…
‘Learning by Doing: Community-led Change in Aotearoa NZ’ draws on three years of experience from around the country and provides tools, resources, stories and learnings to help support and grow…
Poverty Costs 2.0: Investing in Albertans is a follow-up report to the work presented in Poverty Costs: An Economic Case for a Preventative Poverty Reduction Strategy in Alberta (2012). Indeed…
Public attention has focused increasingly on innovative strategies to expand employment, in the context of intransigent and high unemployment levels, slow job growth, and government cutbacks. For roughly 20 million…
Responding to a request from the newer Neighbourhood Renewal Corporations (NRCs) in Manitoba, Neighbourhoods Alive! asked CCEDNet to facilitate knowledge transfer between old and new NRCs. Through interviews with both the…
The Community Action Kit We say we want vibrant local economies, healthy neighborhoods and downtown areas, and less sprawl into our outlying green spaces—but we don’t always support the existing…