Buying Social: A Guide on Taking Account of Social Considerations in Public Procurement

Author +
European Commission

Year: 2010

This Guide is a very concrete tool to help public authorities to buy goods and services in a socially responsible way in line with European Union rules. It also highlights the contribution public procurement can make to stimulate greater social inclusion.

The Guide explains the wide range of possibilities offered by the existing EU public procurement rules to take social aspects on board in the various stages of the procurement process. Those clarifications will allow public purchasers to integrate with greater confidence social considerations in public procurement, while ensuring equal access to all European interested bidders and guaranteeing an efficient use of public money. The exercise is in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy and the EU goals for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

The document is illustrated by a number of practical examples covering a broad range of social issues, such as promoting equal chances and employment opportunities, improving labour conditions, social inclusion of vulnerable persons, such as disabled persons, compliance in substance with the provisions of the fundamental ILO conventions, etc.

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