CEDEC Recommendations for Community Economic Development and Official Languages


Year: 2016

Languages are more than demographic or cultural characteristics. Canada’s official languages are gateways to new markets, innovative partnerships, and strategic business and labour market information. Canada’s two official languages and the bilingualism and multilingualism of many of its citizens are critical economic assets that provide us with a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Canada’s two Official Language Minority Communities (OLMCs) are major contributors to this economic advantage.

Given this reality, CEDEC and RDÉE Canada, and its members, have partnered with Employment and Social Development Canada to develop and lead the Economic Action Network. The Network has two main objectives:

  • To support the creation of innovative growth-oriented companies
  • To ensure the availability of skilled, productive workers

These objectives have been documented in their Canadian Plan for Economic Development of Official Language Minority Communities.

Download CEDEC Recommendations for Community Economic Development and Official Languages

The Economic Action Network is a space for economic leaders in government and the private sector to develop innovative, practical initiatives that stimulate interprovincial partnerships and commercial opportunities for businesses. This is an unprecedented opportunity for the Government of Canada to invest in a truly national, collaborative venture that is drawing on the strengths of Canada’s OLMCs while contributing to the reinforcement of their economic future.


  1. Prioritize Community Economic Development in the Next Action Plan for Official Languages
  2. Increase Investments in Existing Programs Dedicated to Economic Development of Official Language Minority Communities
  3. Invest in High Growth Businesses
  4. Stimulate Interprovincial Trade, Especially Between Québec and Other Provinces
  5. Address Inter-provincial Barriers
  6. Focus on Retaining Talented Youth
  7. Generate Comprehensive Labour Market Information
  8. Invest in Tourism
  9. Develop Flexible and Meaningful Programs through Community Economic Development