Keeping it Simple: Guide to Neighbourhood Planning

Author +
Tony Burton

Year: 2014

Keeping it Simple is a short guide by planning expert Tony Burton, on how you can keep your neighbourhood plan concise and straightforward.
One of the joys of neighbourhood planning is that it can be kept very simple. No-one should be put off by fear of the procedures or by thinking you need to prepare a long and complex document. It is the community’s plan and needs only to deal with the planning issues that matter to you.

This guide shows how to keep your neighbourhood plan simple.

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Top Tips for Keeping it Simple

  1. Keep your eye on the prize – a timely neighbourhood plan which addresses the planning issues that matter in your area
  2. Manage your time – never underestimate the value of a work programme and clear timetable
  3. Avoid duplication – don’t worry about including issues that are already adequately addressed in the Local Plan Make a difference – good ideas count for nothing if they never get implemented so don’t get distracted
  4. Be practical – every new idea requires new information and evidence to back it up
  5. Embrace compromise – be honest about how much time, energy resources and skills you can all bring
  6. You can’t please all the people all of the time – don’t try
  7. Keep things moving – don’t delay everything while you wait for information on a single issue that may never emerge
  8. Be realistic – you won’t be able to address every issue raised in public consultation or by the enthusiasts in your group
  9. Enough is enough – the perfect plan doesn’t exist so draw a line and win that referendum

