LEAP! Learning Tools: From Idea to Launch with Tracee Lang [video]

SFU Community Economic Development

Year: 2016

Launching a business requires a lot of learning, and a lot of support. 2016 LEAP! graduate Tracee Lang shares what she learned along the way about how to move from an idea to a plan, and how to make an effective pitch to potential investors.

(As part of the LEAP! program, Tracee pitched her idea for the Sunshine Coast Salt Co. to her community at the final barn-raiser celebration, basically a really friendly dragon’s den.)

This video is part of the curriculum of LEAP!, an eight week accelerator program for brand new start-up social entrepreneurs in rural B.C. LEAP! (Local Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program) is delivered by SFU Community Economic Development in partnership with local organizations.

To find our more about inviting LEAP! To your community, email ced info at sfu.ca.