Strong, Fair, and Sustainable Communities through Manitoba’s Municipal Elections

September 10, 2014

Upcoming municipal elections provide an opportunity to get priorities of the Canadian CED Network – Manitoba (CCEDNet-MB) on the public policy agenda. Members of CCEDNet-MB have prioritized the following three policy ideas: procurement, housing, and poverty reduction.

Members asked us to send letters to candidates in Winnipeg, Brandon, and Roblin to see if candidates are in favour of these policy areas. We will be sharing their responses.

Actions you can take:

  1. Send your own letter to candidates stating your support for these policy ideas and encouraging candidates to respond to our questions. Please send a copy to kbernas at

    Letter templates:   Organizational Member   |   Individual Member

    Contact information for candidates:   Winnipeg, Brandon (or call 204.729.2210)

  2. Attend candidate forums and ask questions from our letters to candidates. We are aware of the following upcoming forums. Please email kbernas at if you know of others.
  1. Share our recent op-ed, City Hall Can Help Jobless, published in the Winnipeg Free Press.