Put your passion for social enterprise to work overseas. Students for Social Impact placements provide the opportunity for talented students to contribute to life-changing social enterprises in Canada or the UK, gain valuable overseas
experience, and connect with other young leaders of the future.
The Students for Social Impact placements are designed to complement your studies. As part of the placement, you will be tasked with completing a research project devised by you and your social enterprise mentor, with input from your course instructor. You will present your preliminary findings at the Students for Social Impact Summit at the end of your placement. Throughout the programme you will have the opportunity to connect with other talented students on-line and in-person at the start and conclusion of your placement.
Programme Goals
- Provide opportunities for high-achieving, high-potential undergraduate students to learn about, and experiment with, social innovation and entrepreneurship through experiential, multi-disciplinary learning provided in a workplace environment.
- Support and encourage student mobility and employability for future leaders in social enterprise, providing opportunities for students from Canada and the UK to learn from international experiences, share with each other, and bring that learning back to their university environment.
- Develop a network of emerging leaders in social enterprise in Canada and the UK.
For more information
Apply now
Application deadline: February 15, 2015