The Future of Social Finance Policy in Canada: Communities Respond
The Future of Social Finance Policy in Canada: Communities Respond
January 8, 2013
At the 2012 Social Finance Forum, the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development Diane Finley invited organizations to submit innovative ideas to help shape the future of social finance in Canada (read more).
Community Economic Development Investment Funds:
The Canadian CED Network responded to this national call for concepts by submitting a proposal to develop Community Economic Development Investment Funds (CEDIF) across the country. CEDIFs raise capital from the community to invest in local enterprises which produce a social benefit. Citizens collectively identify social and economic challenges within their community and decide where to invest capital raised through the CEDIF to address those challenges (read full proposal).
The Canadian Co-operative Association submitted a proposal which calls for the creation of a targeted co-op development initiative that will support co-ops for specific populations facing disadvantages. The proposal highlights the success of the co-op model as a bottom-up, self-help and entrepreneurial method of dealing with a wide range of social challenges (read full proposal).
Share your CED proposals
If you or your organization submitted a CED-related proposal to HRSDC, share it with us and we’ll feature it on our website. Contact Ryan at with your innovative ideas for the future of social finance in Canada.
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