2018 Board Nomination Results

May 2, 2018

Every year, CCEDNet members are invited to submit nominations for CCEDNet’s Board of Directors. This year, there were four vacancies to be filled.

Four eligible nominations were received by the deadline, leading our Elections Officer to declare the following candidates elected by acclamation:

The results will be ratified at CCEDNet’s Annual General Meeting of the members on June 14.

Congratulations to these amazing CED leaders from across Canada, who will be part of CCEDNet’s dedicated Board of Directors.

Emmanuel Bertrand-Gauvin

Emmanuel Bertrand-GauvinEmmanuel Bertrand-Gauvin is the person in charge of the Business Women Services at the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic Development Commission (FNQLEDC, cdepnql.org).

The objective is to mobilize women and interested parties and to accompany them in the implementation of strategies that will make a difference in diversifying economic opportunities.

More generally, his work seeks to optimize the local, regional and national resources to help improve the living conditions of First Nations people. Consultation, mobilisation and innovation are the key issues.

He has worked for the Makivik Corporation in Nunavik (makivik.org).The Corporation mandates ranges from social economic development to improved conditions of Nunavik Inuit. He also worked several years for a nonprofit Publishing company.

He has a Master’s Degree in Economic Anthropology, specializing in the practices of pension fund managers and more generally on the redistribution of wealth.

Ryan GibsonRyan Gibson

Ryan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax. Ryan is the Chair of CCEDNet’s Membership Committee and has served on the executive committee. Ryan’s interests are focused on rural and northern communities and regions, specifically focused on governance, collaboration, cooperatives, philanthropy, and rural revitalization. Ryan was, until recently, President of the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation.

Carol Anne Hilton

Carol Anne HiltonCarol Anne Hilton, MBA is the CEO of Transformation International an award winning Social and Economic development company. Carol Anne is a recognized leading First Nation’s business entrepreneur with a Masters Degree in Business Management (MBA) from the University of Hertfordshire, England. Carol Anne is from the Nuu chah nulth Nation on Vancouver Island.

Carol Anne works to incorporate an Aboriginal worldview while bringing First Nations, industry and government together to design new approaches for sustainable, inclusive development. Carol Anne brings project management experience across industries in resource management, governance, and regional development.

Luc Morin

Luc MorinAn enthusiast of the nonprofit world, Luc Morin has worked for more than 35 years in organizations in Ontario and Canada and in various spheres of development. Mr. Morin is the Executive Director for the Conseil de la coopération de l’Ontario (CCO) and has a background in Business Administration.

Prior to joining the CCO in 2008, Mr. Morin led a number of regional, provincial and federal initiatives in different sectors including arts, culture, education, health, family services, agriculture, special needs, immigration, tourism, community development, and currently the social and cooperative economy. In addition, he has participated in the implementation of a development project in China and the development of several cooperatives and social enterprises.

As project manager and collaborator in the delivery of services across Ontario and the country, over the years Mr. Morin has been an active member on more than 50 boards of directors, not to mention his active participation in several regional, provincial and pan-Canadian committees too numerous to count.