Partner for Change: UnLock Job Opportunities for Youth

Virgin Mobile RE*GenerationCall for Expressions of Interest to be a Virgin Mobile RE*Generation Partner

Does your organization help at-risk or homeless youth find and keep jobs? Do you accomplish this by providing youth with the skills and experience employers are looking for as well as the support and connections to available job opportunities?

Virgin Mobile RE*Generation is looking to identify and invest in innovative and entrepreneurial youth employment initiatives so as many youth as possible have a meaningful income and a long-term career pathway. Your organization will use the investment to strengthen or scale up your current youth employment initiative.

Open to charities, non-profits, and social enterprises operating in Canada.

Deadline is July 12, 2016

Complete the online Expression of Interest

How can Virgin Mobile RE*Generation investment funding be used?

Possible uses by your organization of a RE*Generation investment may include the following:

  • Strengthening or growing a job skills training curriculum and programming (i.e. vocational job skills for a particular industry or type of job; professional/soft skills training such as teamwork, conflict resolution, problem solving, customer service).
  • Expanding or enhancing an employment-driven social enterprise that provides hands-on paid employment experience for youth in a full service revenue generating business.
  • Development and strengthening of employer and industry partnerships and connections that results in:
    • increased sourcing of qualified candidates for available jobs by employers from your initiative ; and/or
    • increased job matching and/or placements; and/or
    • improved support to youth and employers during the hiring and on-boarding to a job.
  • Increasing or strengthening support for youth to overcome possible barriers and challenges to participating in your employment initiative (case management, counseling, stipends/subsidies for transportation, food, special clothing/equipment, counseling, services and supports referrals).
  • Growing or strengthening an innovative model or approach that helps youth connect to employment by addressing barriers or gaps in current labour market systems and practices.

Learn more at or by emailing regeneration at

SOURCE: Virgin Mobile


Social Enterprises Create Pride through Decent WorkSocial enterprises fill an important gap in Manitoba’s economy for those struggling to enter the workforce. The provincial government has seen the value of investing in social enterprises through funding training and procuring housing retrofit services. This in combination with financing from the Manitoba Hydro Pay As You Save (PAYS) program is producing great results. For instance, 194 people are employed in the six social enterprises involved in this study.

Over the past decade, a strong network of social enterprises has grown in Manitoba to help individuals develop the employment and life skills they need to enter and participate in the paid workforce. Social enterprises use a business model to promote positive social or cultural benefits including poverty reduction, fostering environmental sustainability, or other beneficial outcomes.

Social enterprises have emerged to create pathways into the workforce for those who face barriers such as lack of education, racism, histories of involvements with gangs or other involvement with the justice system, and lack of work experience. As one worker describes:

I was having a hard time finding employment because of my criminal history and whatnot. I just applied and got in and it was quite surprising to me to say the least. I spent so many years not being able to get employed, and then coming to a program like this and they accept you for who you are.

The unemployment rate amongst Aboriginal adults age 15 and over was 14.3 percent, more than six percentage points higher than the rest of the inner-city population (8.1 percent) (Lezubski and Silver 2015: 26). The mainstream route from school to work — graduating high school at age 18, attending a post-secondary institution, and finding a good job — is fraught with roadblocks for young people who experience the intergenerational impacts of colonization. Without a high school education, it can be challenging to find any job, undoubtedly a decent job.

The reverse side of this challenge is that Manitoba has a tremendous underutilized pool of young workers who are a potential springboard for future growth. Manitoba also has a vibrant and growing social enterprise sector that could play an important role in bringing these workers into the workforce if it is given sufficient resources.

Manitoba Housing and Community Development allocated $5 million in the 2015/16 capital and renovations budget to provide business opportunities to social enterprises. This procurement is needed to upgrade public housing and do needed energy retrofits. This creates a triple bottom line of this public spending resulting in a needed service of housing repair, job creation and electrical and water conservation.

In order to understand the qualitative impacts on the workers in Manitoba’s burgeoning social enterprise sector, we spoke to 51 workers in seven social enterprises that focus on job training and employment for people with barriers to employment in the home renovation and basic construction sector. We spoke with 26 percent of this portion of the social enterprise workforce.

Thank you to the participants in the study for sharing their perspectives and experiences. The themes emerging from the qualitative research depict that social enterprises provide trainees and employees with needed skills in a holistic fashion, from life skills, to budgeting, to accessing identification and driver’s licensing, to workplace health and safety knowledge, to construction skills, and employment search skills. Recognizing the whole person in each employee or trainee, social enterprises use a holistic approach.

This is a program where they make a complete person you know. They get you to learn all this trade but life skills, management and all theses skills that you need.

Participants spoke about the positive workplace culture and team environment created in social enterprises. Some participants who had worked in private businesses found the workplace culture different and challenging. When discussing their futures, a segment of participants wished for the opportunity to apprentice in the trade of their choosing.

The pride that comes from working hard and having a decent job, and the benefits that result from it shines through in this study. Participants told us they look forward to brighter futures for themselves and their families. These workers carry forward the virtuous cycle created by their involvement in social enterprise to their families and as leaders in the community.

Manitoba has a successful and growing social enterprise sector that has helped to integrate some of these workers. It is nonetheless still dependent on government support. The support of Manitoba Housing and Community Development, other crown corporations, and government in providing contracts to keep these social enterprises vibrant is essential to meeting community economic development and sustainability goals.

Download the Creating Pride Through Decent Work report

Originally published by Policy Fix on May 25, 2016

Josh BrandonJosh Brandon is a Community Animator at the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, co-editor of Poor Housing: A Silent Crisis and Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Manitoba Research Associate. He is also the former Housing Researcher at the CCPA-Manitoba. He has education in sociology and anthropology and experience in several social justice and environmental organizations as a researcher and community organizer.

Molly McCracken joined the CCPA as the Manitoba director in spring 2013, however has been involved in social Molly McCrackenjustice policy research for over a decade. She worked in inner-city Winnipeg facilitating an outreach program with street-involved women and later as Executive Director of an inner-city neighbourhood renewal corporation. Molly has been involved as an author, research manager and advisor in a number of areas: Aboriginal education, low income housing, inner-city neighbourhood renewal, the economic benefits of child care and Community Economic Development.She holds a Master’s degree in Public Policy and Administration from Carlton University, has worked in government as an analyst and serves on the board of several not-for-profit community-based organizations.


Ontario NewsroomOntario will invest $70 million over the next seven years to extend the Indigenous Economic Development Fund, originally launched in 2014 as the Aboriginal Economic Development Fund. With a total combined investment of $95 million over ten years, the fund will continue to:

  • Help Indigenous communities develop long-term strategies to diversify their economies
  • Increase access to employment and training opportunities for Indigenous people
  • Provide access to financing to start and expand Indigenous businesses
  • Enable communities and businesses to collaborate on region-wide employment and skills training projects.

Partnering with Indigenous businesses and organizations is one of many steps on Ontario’s journey of healing and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. Investing in Indigenous economic development is part of the government’s economic plan to build Ontario up and deliver on its number-one priority to grow the economy and create jobs.

More information about the Aboriginal Economic Development Fund

The Indigenous Economic Development Fund has 3 Funding Streams

  1. The Business and Community Fund
  2. Economic Diversification Grants
  3. Regional Partnership Grants

The Business and Community Fund

The following kinds of organizations are eligible to apply to the Business and Community Fund:

  • start-up, early stage and expanding Indigenous businesses
  • First Nation and Métis communities
  • Indigenous organizations recognized by the province

Aboriginal Financial Institutions (AFIs) are now accepting applications for grants, loans, equity and other financing products. Funding decisions are made by individual AFIs. You can apply for funding until March 31, 2017.

Indigenous businesses, organizations and communities can apply now to the AFI partners closest to them:

Métis applicants are also able to apply directly to the Métis Voyageur Development Fund for support.

Economic Diversification Grants

Your organization may be eligible for an Economic Diversification Grant if it is a:

  • Provincial Territorial Organization
  • Tribal Council
  • First Nation community
  • Métis community
  • Indigenous organizations recognized by the Province of Ontario

Projects funded by Economic Diversification Grants may include:

  • community or regional economic development strategies
  • community or regional employment and skills training strategies
  • investment or marketing strategies to attract external investment
  • feasibility studies
  • leakage studies
  • apprenticeship, internship or co-op placements

The next round of submissions for Economic Diversification Grants applications will begin in January 2017.

Learn about how to apply for an Economic Diversification Grant

Regional Partnership Grants

A group of two or more of the following organization types can apply for a Regional Partnership Grant:

  • First Nation communities
  • Metis communities
  • Political Territorial Organization (PTO) in Ontario.
  • Tribal Council in Ontario.
  • Aboriginal Financial Institution (AFI) in Ontario.
  • Indigenous business organization in Ontario.
  • Indigenous organization recognized by the Province of Ontario.
  • Non-Indigenous organization (including not-for-profit organizations) in partnership with another eligible organization.

Only AFIs who do not receive funding through the Business and Community Fund may apply for a Regional Partnership Grant.

Projects funded by Regional Partnership Grants may include:

  • skills training initiatives (e.g., sector-specific or on-reserve business mentorship, internships, or apprenticeship initiatives that result in provincially recognized qualifications)
  • regional or sector-specific business incubators or accelerator programs.
  • financing in the natural resource sector for high-potential development projects, like the Ring of Fire

The next round of submissions for Regional Partnership Grants applications will begin in January 2017.

Learn about how to apply for a Regional Partnership Grant

SOURCE: Ontario Newsroom


Monte Ginezzo, Tuscany, ItalyThe Synergia Institute is excited to be launching its first face-to-face training program this September in Tuscany! For change makers everywhere this program offers an opportunity to explore real pathways to system change with leading experts in their fields.

Transition to Co-operative Commonwealth – Pathways to a New Political Economy, is an intensive 3-week program that links the global with the local through the diffusion of transformative ideas, models, and practices that advance game-changing solutions for progressive change in the following key areas:

  • Synergia InstituteCo-operative Capital & Social Finance; Alternative Currencies
  • Co-op & Commons-Based housing & Land Tenure; Community Land Trusts
  • Renewable Energy; Community-owned energy systems
  • Local & Sustainable food systems; Community Supported Agriculture
  • User-controlled health & social care; Social & Community Service Co-ops
  • Co-operative and Commons Governance
  • Platform Co-operatives, Digital Commons & Peer-to-Peer productions systems
  • Convergence and the New Political Economy; Principles, Propositions, and Practices

Download the Synergia brochure for complete details. If you like what you see, you and others in your organization or network should find an opportunity to take part.

For more information please visit:

Additional information can also be found on Synergia’s facebook page. Those wishing information on registration for the course can send an email to synergiainstitute at

If the Synergia Summer Institute inspires you and your colleagues, please spread the word to others who are committed to building a new political economy for the world we want. The need for system change is clear and urgent and Synergia is promoting solutions that can make it happen.

For additional information please visit:

Source: RIPESS Europe


Launch of new 5-year social enterprise strategyProvince Accelerating Growth of Social Enterprises to Create Jobs and Strengthen Economy

Ontario has launched a new five-year strategy that will help social enterprises grow their businesses, enter new markets and create jobs, while addressing complex social and environmental challenges.

Ontario’s Social Enterprise Strategy 2016-2021 sets out significant commitments in three key areas:

  • Equipping social enterprises with solid business fundamentals
  • Connecting social enterprises to markets and capital to grow and scale
  • Demonstrating the value of social enterprise and social finance to investors, government, and communities 

Ontario will invest more than $6 million in the first year of this renewed strategy. The province will leverage Ontario’s existing entrepreneurship infrastructure, impact investment capital, and a growing market opportunity to support social enterprises. Some of the feature initiatives include: 

  • Integrating specialized social entrepreneurship supports, such as impact measurement, into mainstream entrepreneurship programs, such as those offered through the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs
  • Developing a Social Enterprise Procurement Action Plan to increase the Ontario government’s procurement from social enterprises
  • Designing a new Social Venture Investment Fund to accelerate the flow of private investment capital to growing social enterprises
  • Establishing an Impact Measurement Task Force to build consensus on uniform impact measurement standards for social enterprises
  • Piloting one or more Social Impact Bonds to improve social outcomes
  • Establishing a Centre of Excellence in Social Enterprise and Social Finance to help government leverage social enterprises and social finance as tools to achieve policy objectives 

The strategy builds on the success of the province’s first social enterprise strategy, including the launch of programs such as the Social Enterprise Demonstration Fund, the Rate Drop Rebate pilot program, Ontario’s Social Impact Voucher Program, and the Ontario – California Impact Investment Partnership that is helping to expand the SVX platform into California and encourage cross-border capital flows into Ontario-based social ventures. 

Accelerating the growth of Ontario’s social enterprise sector is part of the government’s economic plan to build Ontario up and deliver on its number-one priority to grow the economy and create jobs. The four-part plan includes investing in talent and skills, including helping more people get and create the jobs of the future by expanding access to high-quality college and university education. The plan is making the largest investment in public infrastructure in Ontario’s history and investing in a low-carbon economy driven by innovative, high-growth, export-oriented businesses. The plan is also helping working Ontarians achieve a more secure retirement.

Ontario Launches New Social Enterprise StrategyQuick Facts

  • There are about 10,000 social enterprises in Ontario.
  • Social enterprises use business strategies to achieve a social or environmental impact. While generating revenues from the sale of goods and services, social enterprises also expressly intend to create positive outcomes, and they measure their results. As their business grows, the social impact grows.
  • Over 400 stakeholder and sector leaders participated in the consultations to inform the development of the strategy.
  • In 2014, Ontario’s social enterprises employed an average of 38 people and generated an average of $1.2 million in revenues.
  • Globally, impact investment – investments growing both financial return and social/environmental impact – is on the rise, with an estimated market size of $80 billion.
  • Through an open, competitive procurement process, an independent evaluator has recently been hired to assess two frontrunner ideas for implementation as Social Impact Bond pilot projects.
  • A Social Impact Bond is an innovative financing tool based on a pay-for-performance contract where government works collaboratively with service providers and the private sector to deliver social services.

Additional Resources


“We’re excited to work with sector leaders, impact investors, academia and government to continue building strong, high-growth and scalable social enterprises. This is an area in which we can leverage our ongoing support of entrepreneurship infrastructure, a growing supply of impact investing capital and an expanding market opportunity to activate the development of sustainable and scalable social enterprises. As we help these businesses grow, so too will their positive social impact on Ontario and beyond.” Brad Duguid, Minister of Economic Development and Growth

“As a social enterprise, Building Up’s team is thrilled to see that the government is continuing its support to grow the sector and elevate it to the next level. Social enterprises like us are able to maximize our potential to create social, environmental and economic value when we have the support of our communities, customers, funders and government.” Marc Soberano, Founder and Executive Director, Building Up

“It’s essential that social enterprises across Ontario are able to access the support they need to develop a sound social enterprise business model, which includes strong revenue generating strategies and a plan for creating impact in their communities. Ontario’s plan to integrate social enterprise supports into existing entrepreneurship infrastructure will enable social enterprises to compete on the global stage.” Michelle Baldwin, Executive Director, Pillar Nonprofit Network


Applications now being accepted for Youth Green Jobs InitiativeDo you need help making environmental improvements to your organization involved in providing environmental benefits to the agriculture sector? Hire an intern through the Agricultural Youth Green Jobs Initiative!

Canada’s Agricultural Youth Green Jobs Initiative will provide $1.9 million to help farmers, non-profits and other organizations involved in the agriculture sector create jobs for post-secondary graduates who are 30 years or younger and want to work in agriculture. Eligible projects will:

  • benefit the environment either on or off the farm
  • last at least four months

Green Internships offers organizations up to 50% of the cost of hiring young workers (up to $16,000 per intern) for environmental activities, services or research that will benefit the agriculture sector. Non-profit entities with five permanent employees or less could be eligible for up to 80% support. Non-profit entities with more than five employees may be considered for up to 80% support on a case-by-case basis.

Apply now for a Green Internship

Internships must be at least four months in length and be completed by March 31, 2017

Applications will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis until all funds have been allocated. For more information on eligibility or to apply, visit Agricultural Youth Green Jobs Initiative or call 1-866-452-5558.

Source: Agri-info Newsletter


If you work within the co-operative or the community economic development sectors and would like a better understanding of the co-operative movement as a whole, the many types of co-operatives and the process and challenges of developing cooperatives and key resources, CoopZone‘s introductory course on co-operative development is for you!

This course is appropriate for people interested in understanding the basic co-op development process but who will not be active developers, such employees or directors those in credit unions, co-ops, or other workplaces with an interest in co-op development.

Participant will build an understanding of:

  • The nature and scope of the co-operative movement;
  • The benefits, basic characteristics and types of co-operatives that address people’s needs & aspirations;
  • The co-op development process and the roles of the potential members and development facilitators; and
  • Some resources available for co-op development.

Courses start in mid-October and the deadline to apply is September 23rd.

Apply for the Introductory Course on Co-operative Development

Some bursaries are also available. Funding for the bursaries has been provided by Vancity Credit Union, Assiniboine Credit Union, Carrot Cache as well as the Manitoba Cooperative Promotion Board. The deadline for bursaries is Oct. 3rd

Apply for a Bursary

For More Information

Free Hour-long Information Webinars: June 21, July 18, and Sept. 14, 2016, each at noon ET. RSVP to hazel at, by the day prior.

To learn more about this course and obtain the application form, please go to: or write to Eric Tusz-King at: CoopZoneTraining at

Download the Introductory Course Brochure

Here’s what some of the students have had to say:

“The course is concise, informative and interactive. Mentors and course director are very knowledgeable, skilled, experienced, approachable and helpful. The readings and tools were very useful.”   Billy Granger, SEED Winnipeg

“I would absolutely recommend the CoopZone program to anybody interested. The course is pretty amazing in the way that it creates a common community amongst us aspiring co-op developers and several fully established and tremendously experienced ones. The instructors are great, and the mentoring system gives me the chance to have hours of one-on-one time with an expert in my desired field.”  Joel Ratcliffe, Ontario

“After working and consulting with non-profits for over 20 years, Co-op Zone training has given me the understanding and tools to finally be able to work with co-ops. During the course I had 4  groups engage me to help start or transition their co-op, and my assigned mentor as well as the CoopZone network helped guide me through it. Thank you!”  Rick Juliusson, FreeRange Consulting, BC

“What I like about the program:

  • The webinars and online presentations, and the opportunity to connect with others across the country involved in the same work.
  • The mentor element is great it’s been wonderful to have access to (my mentor’s) wealth of knowledge and perspectives.
  • Access to the CoopZone listserv & tele-learning sessions has been good, too.
  • The wonderfully curated and assembled reading materials.
  • Learning together with great people–the director, cohort and mentors.”  Zoë Creighton, Upper Columbia Co-op Council​, BC

Manitoba Budget 2016: Correcting the CourseThe new provincial government has subtitled its budget documents with the phrase “Correcting the Course” and it has repeatedly stated its goal of making Manitoba the “Most Improved Province.” What will this new course mean for those working to create economic opportunities and improve social conditions for those most in need? Will this vision of improvement align with CCEDNet-Manitoba’s vision of reduced poverty, greater social inclusion, and equitable and sustainable local economies and communities? In some areas, it’s too soon to tell. At first glance, it appears that not a whole lot has changed in Budget 2016. But a careful look at some of the language in the throne speech, ministerial mandate letters, and budget reveals plenty.  

Many of our Network’s policy priority areas that had been addressed by the previous government appear to be continuing under the new government. This includes:

  • resources for the five-year Co-op Visioning Strategy and for the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy to strengthen the co-op and social enterprise communities;
  • availability of the CED tax credit and Neighbourhoods Alive! (social enterprise) tax credit;
  • funding for community organizations participating in the Non-Profit Organization strategy;
  • funding for Neighbourhoods Alive!
  • funding for the Northern Healthy Foods Initiative to address local food insecurity and unemployment;
  • resources for the full indexation of Rent Assist to 75% of Median Market Rent;
  • providing a ministerial chair to the All Aboard Committee (All Aboard is the province’s poverty reduction and social inclusion strategy);
  • creation of an independent arm’s-length entity responsible for developing and implementing planned targets for saving energy.

However, the language used by the new government around our Network’s policy priorities related to child care, housing, and poverty suggests a change in course.

Child Care

The Minister of Families has a mandate to re-invigorate investment in private sector child care spaces. This is in contrast to the approach that CCEDNet-Manitoba has called for which emphasizes strong public sector investment in quality and affordable not-for-profit child care.

Budget 2016 does not appear to provide new money for additional child care spaces, eliminate the $2 daily fee for low-income families, or support the child care workforce with additional training opportunities and a provincial wage scale – commitments made in January 2016 under the previous government as part of a plan to create a universally accessible child care system with 12,000 more spaces. The budget does provide a small increase to Early Learning and Child Care for ongoing operating grants to existing child care centres and for the principal and interest costs of new centres already built.


There are few details on the new government’s approach to housing. The Minister of Families has a mandate to foster community and private sector partnerships that promote home ownership opportunities for First Nations families. CCEDNet-Manitoba has worked with members to call for increasing the net supply of social, affordable, and cooperative housing, while promoting homeownership as only one piece of the housing continuum.

Budget 2016 provides an increase of $46 million to the Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation for “new housing construction, improvement and maintenance costs.” It’s unclear what exactly these additional dollars will be spent on. However, with increasing budget demands resulting from expiring federal subsidies and the principal and interest costs of recent new builds, it is difficult to imagine how this money could go toward new commitments. However, dollars for new housing commitments may soon be available if the new government can work out an agreement with the federal Liberal government for a share of the social infrastructure money contained in the federal budget.

The View From Here 2015Poverty

CCEDNet-Manitoba has worked with Make Poverty History Manitoba to call for a comprehensive poverty reduction plan with targets and timelines based on priorities outlined in The View From Here. The content within Budget Paper D – Reducing Poverty and Promoting Social Inclusion is not representative of a comprehensive plan, but notes that work will begin on the development of one in preparation for Budget 2017.

The paper notes how the budget ‘lay(s) the foundation for the development of a new approach to addressing poverty.’ This approach includes indexing the basic personal exemption to the rate of inflation to put more money in the hands of low-income Manitobans. Tax changes are the only new initiative offered in the very brief budget paper on poverty and have been presented to media as an alternative to increasing the minimum wage. However, the increase to the basic personal exemption only provides low-income earners with about $16 more annually — much less than the additional $400 or so that would come from an increase to the minimum wage based on inflation. This year would mark the first out of the last 17 without a minimum wage increase despite full-time minimum wage work still failing to bring Manitoba families above the poverty line.

The paper also notes that the new government’s poverty reduction plan will include social impact bonds, Urban Indigenous Economic Development Zones, and homeownership opportunities for First Nations and Metis families. Also noted, is the launch of a value for money review of government spending to free up more resources for front-line services including those that assist low-income Manitobans. CCEDNet-Manitoba will work with members to ensure that the new poverty reduction plan is comprehensive and recognizes the value of strong and stable community-based organizations working to reduce poverty.

New Government Priorities

Social Impact Bonds

The new government’s budget and mandate letters (Justice and Families) speak to reducing the recidivism rate and social problems through Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) intended to improve the outcomes of frontline social services. SIBs have been used in other jurisdictions to encourage non-government entities to finance the work of non-profits. If the non-profit achieves specific outcomes the government is expected to pay a return and potential profit to the investor. This model is one of several SIB models that the new government could pursue.

We share the new government’s goal of reducing recidivism and other social problems.  Much has been learned through SIB implementation in other jurisdictions that should be avoided here.  For example, private sector financing can be more expensive than public sector approaches; choices can be made to leave out groups that need help (e.g. focus on southern child welfare instead of northern); and savings verification can be arbitrary and expensive, creating more bureaucracy. Community members here in Manitoba have concerns about introducing a profit motive into financing programs for vulnerable people and worry that SIBs can be incorrectly viewed by governments as a tool to replace funding to non-profits that are heavily relied upon by the most vulnerable. 

Budget 2016 signals the government’s intention to begin the process of developing SIBs by engaging with interested members of the business and community sectors to develop partnerships that will provide Manitobans with work and social supports. CCEDNet-Manitoba will urge the government to consult with our members and other stakeholders to explore the full range of social finance options.

CCEDNet-Manitoba members enthusiastically support the idea of investing now to reduce the need for government services later. Community organizations in Manitoba have a long history of taking this approach to reducing social problems like poverty, social exclusion, unemployment and crime. For example, training and jobs are being offered to individuals that may otherwise have been incarcerated, reducing justice system costs. Healthy food is being grown in many First Nations, reducing the need for diabetes treatment later. Families are accessing adequate resources and supports to parent their children rather than risking apprehension by child welfare authorities. The issue is not a lack of effective solutions, rather it is that these solutions are wildly underfunded compared to the amounts of money that go toward addressing the associated problems. The Non-Profit Organization Strategy has played a vital role in recent years by providing stable funding agreements to non-profits that reduce red tape and free up time to focus on valuable and consistent direct services and outcomes. CCEDNet-Manitoba will continue to reinforce the value of stable and enhanced funding to community organizations.

Not Government Priorities?


Local and sustainable food and food security are not mentioned in any major public documents that have been released. While Budget 2016 maintained funding for the Northern Healthy Foods Initiative, there has been no indication that the new government has any plans to create a Food Policy Council, develop a food strategy and action plan, or increase purchasing of local and sustainable food. CCEDNet-Manitoba will continue to call for enhanced investments and efforts to build on the Northern Healthy Foods Initiative and increase access to healthy, affordable, and culturally appropriate food throughout Manitoba.

Social Enterprise

While Budget 2016 has maintained funding to implement the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy, the new government’s intentions relating to social enterprise are unclear. Social enterprise is not mentioned in any major public documents. CCEDNet-Manitoba will continue to call for the use of procurement across departments as a means of providing employment and training to people facing barriers to employment. We will also call for engaging with social enterprises to meet targets for saving energy in Manitoba. These targets are to be developed and implemented by a new independent arm’s-length entity, the creation of which falls under the mandate of the Minister of Crown Services.

Further details of government initiatives related to our policy priorities will no doubt emerge over the coming months. CCEDNet-Manitoba is reaching out to the new government to welcome key ministers and highlight the essential role our members play for Manitobans.  We look forward to continuing to advance our policy priorities and working together to build truly inclusive and prosperous communities.

Kirsten BernasKirsten Bernas is Research and Policy Manager with CCEDNet in Manitoba. She has also been employed by the Province of Manitoba to work on CED and social policy. Kirsten represents CCEDNet on the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives‘ Alternative Federal Budget Steering Committee, Make Poverty History Manitoba‘s Steering Committee, and the Right to Housing Coalition‘s Provincial Committee. She received a BA (Honours) in Economics from the University of Manitoba as well as an MA from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University in Ottawa.


Last year was a busy one for CCEDNet. Here is an overview of some of our accomplishments.

2015 Highlights

• In 2015 we launched our new Member Directory, which allows visitors to our website to find out who is a part of the network.COMMUNICATIONS

• We also released infographics on the activities of our members serving individuals, enterprises and communities.

CED Infographics

• Our Facebook page grew to over 1,400 likes and our Twitter account to over 2,300 followers.

• In 2015, more than 154,951 people used our multiple websites for news, events, resources & jobs.LEARNING

• Our 13th annual Manitoba Gathering brought together over 600 people & featured Clayton Thomas-Muller and Elder Stan McKay as keynote speakers.

• Board Secretary, Yvon Poirier, represented CCEDNet at the World Social Forum in Tunisia

• We promoted and participated in New Economy & Co-op Week in October.

• A dialogue session was held in June on Aboriginal CED, led by CCEDNet member the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic Development CommissionPOLICIES

• CCEDNet submitted our recommendations for the 2016 Federal Budget.

Mike Toye in front of the Canadian parliament• CCEDNet Executive Director, Mike Toye, and members made presentations on Social Finance to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.

• The national webinar series continued with 9 sessions (free for members) on topics like crowdfunding, the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy, and designing community action.

SPEND. INVEST. VOTE.: Action for Community Economies

• In advance of the 2015 federal election we developed a guide for voters and politicians on how to engage in Action for Community Economies. We also updated our Art of Advocacy handbook. 

CAPACITY BUILDING• In April, CCEDNet’s Spark pro bono matching service program honoured it’s first ever Outstanding Pro Bono Consultant Award winner Lawrence Lazarko.

• The Strengthening Nonprofits workshop series continued in the spring and fall of 2015 with 11 sessions.

• We held online Board elections using a single-transferable vote system, and in May we held our first fully virtual AGM with simultaneous translation.   CCEDNet Atlantic Meeting 2015

• In July, CCEDNet staff and members gathered at Cape Breton University’s Community Innovation and Social Enterprise conference and had a very engaged Atlantic member meetup.

Research• Throughout 2015 we were engaged in administering the 2015 Social Enterprise Survey for Ontario and in December we published the report Enterprising Change.

• Updated policy proposals for Canada’s Social Economy were presented to key federal officials in early 2015.The View From Here 2015

• In January we held a webinar to help set CCEDNet’s 2015 Policy Priorities

• In partnership with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba, CCEDNet released The View From Here 2015: Manitobans Call for a Renewed Poverty Reduction Plan

The Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy, co-created by the Canadian CED Network and the Province of Manitoba, was launched.

• CCEDNet staff and members were active supporters, presenters and participants at the 2015 Canadian Conference on Social Enteprise

• In April we co-published with Accelerating Social Impact CCC a primer on Trade Agreements for Social Purchasing

All this is possible thanks to our members and funders.  Join us by becoming a member, or support the movement for inclusive and sustainable economies by making a donation

The Future of Food visioning session on February 20

On February 20, 2015 Food Matters Manitoba hosted
The Future of Food visioning session

Over the past few years, CCEDNet-Manitoba has supported Food Matters Manitoba and other community organizations to encourage the City of Winnipeg to establish a food policy council. In June of 2015, Winnipeg’s Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development approved a recommendation that the Winnipeg Public Service “…engage key stakeholders to investigate and provide recommendations related to the formation, role and governance structure of a Winnipeg Food Policy Council”, with a mandate of providing continued advice on agricultural and food related policy, including:

  • providing research and advisory support;
  • investigating barriers to food production;
  • exploring opportunities towards improving food production and food security;
  • preparing a report with recommendations about permissible non-invasive agricultural-related uses in Winnipeg; and
  • assisting in the creation of an Agricultural and Food Security Strategy

The City of Winnipeg now wants to hear from you! 

Complete the Winnipeg Food Policy Council questionnaire

Deadline to respond is Monday July 18

CCEDNet-Manitoba  participated in a conversation hosted by the City of Winnipeg and Food Matters Manitoba on June 2 to provide input.

For more information regarding project timelines, background information, and presentations and materials from the conversations that have taken place, please visit

Other Related Links

Food Matters Manitoba
Future of Food Forum Information
Future of Food Report
Community Food Assessments

Other Canadian Food Councils
Edmonton Food Council
Toronto Food Policy Council
Vancouver Food Policy Council

Municipal Food Policy Entrepreneurs Report (A preliminary analysis of how Canadian cities and regional districts are involved in food system change)
Doing Food Policy Councils Right (A guide to development and action)
Planning and Establishing Food Policy Councils (Lessons learned from others)
Best Practices in Local Food: A guide for municipalities


Nova Scotia CanadaNew and existing social enterprises now have the choice to apply for designation as a Community Interest Company.

Effective June 15, legislation and regulations allow businesses formed under the Companies Act to be designated as a Community Interest Company. These companies will have characteristics of both businesses and non-profits, combining entrepreneurship with a social purpose.

Social enterprises use business practices to advance health, social, environmental, cultural or other community goals. Examples include farmers’ markets, used clothing banks, community-owned wind farms and businesses run by charitable organizations or employing a marginalized or disenfranchised group. They often have a buy local focus and are gaining momentum worldwide as people seek to create and support businesses that contribute to the common good.

“Community interest companies will help social enterprises build even more social, cultural and environmental value in small and large communities in every corner of Nova Scotia,” said David Upton of Common Good Solutions Inc., Halifax. “The implementation of this legislation indicates a strong government commitment to building an economy that creates real companies and jobs to meet the real needs of all Nova Scotia citizens.”

The legislation and regulations give social enterprises the opportunity to be designated, something they can promote to build more consumer support and grow their business.

“Social enterprises contribute to our economy and give back to communities across Nova Scotia,” said Mark Furey, Minister of Service Nova Scotia. “This will in turn help foster a competitive business climate in Nova Scotia, grow our social enterprise sector and diversify our economy.

“Young entrepreneurs are increasingly drawn to the social enterprise model. By preparing more youth to be social entrepreneurs, we can leverage their creativity to drive social innovation, resulting in greater youth engagement and retention.”

As a part of the application for the new designation, a company will be required to declare its community purpose and provide a community interest plan on which it will be required to report annually. A Community Interest Company will be restricted in the amount of dividends it may declare and will also be required to make its financial statements public.

The government and the ONE Nova Scotia coalition see a growing role for social enterprises in the future of Nova Scotia’s economy. Supporting social enterprises is a priority as they create job opportunities and support economic growth while providing social benefits. The Department of Business is working with stakeholders to develop a strategy for the social enterprise sector.

“Social enterprise models reflect an understanding that many of the social and economic problems facing individuals and families today can best be addressed first at a community level,” said Jacquelyn Scott, professor, Shannon School of Business, Cape Breton University. “Nova Scotia, along with British Columbia, is leading Canada in providing encouragement for the formation of community interest companies.”

Originally published June 15, 2016 by Service Nova Scotia


Local Governments and Social Economy Stakeholders: Allies for the intelligent and sustainable development of citiesThe 2016 Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF2016) organising committee is happy to announce grants for young Canadians to participate in GSEF2016 which will take place from September 7th to 9th in Montreal.

If you are 35 years and younger AND:

  • You work in a social economy organisation;
  • You are on the board of a social economy enterprise;
  • You are actively involved in a citizen project;
  • You are an elected local government official interested in the social economy

Apply for a GSEF2016 grant

Deadline to apply is July 7th

The grants offered will cover either registration or transportation to and from Montreal. No other expenses will be admissible.

SOURCE: The 2016 Global Social Economy Forum
