Category: Co-operatives

The creation of a new credit union trade association was announced January 27. The Canadian Credit Union Association (CCUA) will support and advocate for a successful, competitive and growing credit union…

A five-year, $5 million commitment from the Co-operative Retailing System (CRS) will provide critical start-up funding for Co-operatives First, an organization that will facilitate a new wave of co-operative development…

The Ontario Co-operative Association, in association with the Schulich School of Business at York University, has set a new standard for co-operative leadership and expertise. The new Fundamentals of Co-operative…

Unlimited Sun Fuel + Community Owned Solar Farm = Power to the People! Due to a growing need and demand for community owned renewable energy projects, a team of visionaries,…

Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) congratulates Monique F. Leroux on her election as President of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). Ms. Leroux was nominated by CMC and her candidacy received…

The Canadian Worker Co-op Federation (CWCF) and the General Confederation of Cooperatives and participatory societies (CGSCOP) of France have signed an economic agreement between France and Canada, regarding shared knowledge…

A new study shows that Ontario’s co-operative sector contributes $5.97 billion yearly to the province’s GDP. The research, released by CCEDNet member the Ontario Co-operative Association (On Co-op), the capacity-building…

The Pioneers As the 28 weavers and other skilled workers of a small English town set their minds to creating a new business model back in 1844, I wonder if…

Co-op Week 2015, taking place from October 11-17, is an opportunity for co-ops and credit union members across Canada to celebrate that they have collectively helped to build this country…

British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Yukon and Canada are jointly engaged in the implementation of the Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System (Cooperative System). The Cooperative System…

Recent research on the economic impact of the co-operative sector in Canada show that its activity contributes over $50 billion dollars to the Canadian economy and supports over 600,000 jobs….