Category: Employment & Job Training

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is currently accepting proposals from organizations interested in receiving financial assistance from the Skills Link program. Project activities can be provincial or territorial or…

May 2-6 was the final week of the 2015/2016 SFU CED program and we ended with a bang! Students pitched their social impact ideas for a total prize pool of…

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) invites the submission of an Application for Funding from Indigenous organizations interested in obtaining time-limited Skills and Partnership Fund (SPF) contribution funding. Proposals must demonstrate…

2016 is shaping up to be an exciting year for social enterprise in Manitoba. The latest development was announced last week: the Manitoba government has committed to supporting employment-focused social…

The global labour market is becoming more competitive, creating a serious challenge for employers seeking to hire the talented and productive workers they need to drive their businesses forward. In…

Are you creating an economy that works for the 100%? The Atkinson Decent Work Fund is one of our tools for promoting social and economic justice in Ontario. It’s a…

U.S. President Barack Obama made a prison visit the media highlight of his weeklong campaign to make the justice system fairer. One of his key reasons for reform is the…