Category: Social Economy & Social Enterprise

Happy Holidays from CCEDNet!CED Holiday Buying & Giving Guide 2017 Are you spreading the holiday cheer this year? This guide is designed to help extend the reach of that cheer through encouraging…

As a community economic development conference, the planning team works to ensure that we purchase the highest quality food that supports our community in meaningful ways.  This year, the Gathering…

The Ministry of Economic Development and Growth is launching a Call for Proposals for new Social Enterprise Demonstration Fund (SEDF) projects.  In June 2016, the Ministry launched Ontario’s Social Enterprise Strategy…

Social innovation is a new solution to a social or economic problem which gives better results than traditional approaches. It can improve people’s quality of life through collaborating with new…

Applications are open for the Social Finance Awards. These annual awards recognize the people and organizations who are helping to build an impact investing market that works for all. The…

In late 2015, when Prime Minister Trudeau released his ministerial mandate letters, an important commitment was included to develop a national strategy on social innovation and social finance.  The federal government…

We’ve all heard the stories. Homeless Homejoy cleaners. Uber drivers on food stamps. Grad students Airbnb-ing their extra rooms in gentrifying neighborhoods to cover their own rent. For all of…

Created by the Trico Charitable Foundation in 2011, the biennial Social EnterPrize celebrates and advances leadership and excellence in social entrepreneurship in Canada. Social enterprises are organizations, for-profit or not-for-profit,…

CCEDNet Member NORDIK Institute, Algoma University’s community-based research organization with ongoing goals of increasing employment and promoting community resilience is hosting a series of nine workshops geared to Social Enterprises,…

s4es.jpg The Social Enterprise Ecosystem project (S4ES) launched on May 10th, 2017, is a groundbreaking partnership between the Canadian Community Economic Development Network, the Commerce Solidaire, Buy Social Canada, Social Enterprise…

There is much debate as to how social impact education can up the ante in building social innovators. (For an expert and very insightful cross-examination of this ongoing debate, check…

Social enterprise development in the Hub City received a boost Tuesday with the announcement of an investment fund and community accelerator. Social enterprises are businesses created to further a social purpose,…