Category: Social Economy & Social Enterprise

U.S. President Barack Obama made a prison visit the media highlight of his weeklong campaign to make the justice system fairer. One of his key reasons for reform is the…

Alberta’s growing cities, rural communities share a common bond: an entrepreneurial mindset for social good On June 17th Mount Royal University, Simon Fraser University and Trico Charitable Foundation released research…

There has been much political interest in the role of the social economy, or third sector, in providing jobs and supporting vulnerable people into the workforce. Although social economy organisations…

The Canadian Social Economy Hub has produced three final publications building on the results of the national, 6-year research program.   Follow the links below to view these publications in our…

MONTREAL, Dec. 10 /CNW Telbec/ – In the presence of numerous social economy stakeholders gathered for the occasion at the Cinéma Beaubien, the Chantier de l’économie sociale Trust (The Trust)…