Category: Sustainable Development
In her 20 years of publishing about socially-responsible business and investing, author and new economy thought leader Marjorie Kelly has seen too often how well-meaning business people seeking to “do…
While there is no one definition for the “new economy”, most folks working in this field would probably agree on a few basic elements that distinguish this economic approach from…
Renewable energy projects can be installed at community scale or micro-scale. Photo: David Dodge Traditional power generation often takes the form of large generators far from the cities and towns that…
The Synergia Institute is excited to be launching its first face-to-face training program this September in Tuscany! For change makers everywhere this program offers an opportunity to explore real pathways…
Do you need help making environmental improvements to your organization involved in providing environmental benefits to the agriculture sector? Hire an intern through the Agricultural Youth Green Jobs Initiative! Canada’s…
Two graduates of this year’s SFU Certificate Program for Community Economic Development wanted to share some of their CED learnings from the program to the people in their communities. Amy…
The 2016 Alternative Federal Budget (AFB), released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), projects a federal deficit of $29.2 billion for 2016-17 when Liberal platform measures are…
At their last meeting, CCEDNet’s Board of Directors endorsed the Our Power campaign, supporting community-based approaches to renewable energy. Our Power, a project of TREC Renewable Energy Co-operative, is a…
There is an exciting new project called Beautiful Solutions: Toolbox for the Future, and everyone is invited to get involved! Beautiful Solutions is collecting stories to spotlight the most powerful…
Unlimited Sun Fuel + Community Owned Solar Farm = Power to the People! Due to a growing need and demand for community owned renewable energy projects, a team of visionaries,…
Congratulations to Aki Energy, a member of CCEDNet Manitoba for receiving the Province of Manitoba’s 2015 Manitoba Excellence in Sustainability Awards! Aki Energy won the category of Action on Climate…
Cities offer the scale needed for transformative change — large enough to matter, but small enough to manage. Universities and colleges are also civic actors in their own right. They…