Category: What’s New

I was involved initially in Canadian CED via Greg MacLeod, and the beginnings of New Dawn Enterprises.  Sometime in that period, Greg (after I told him of the importance of…

Social enterprise, while having existed for a long time under different names, has over the last decade or more become part of a growing movement in Canada to address economic…

I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in the original group that helped create the foundation for CCEDNet.  Our time together was both exhilarating – and…

A special supplement of Canadian Public Policy, Canada’s foremost journal examining economic and social policy, highlights some of the key policy research produced by the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships…

coopzone.jpg CoopZone is again accepting applications to its co-op development training courses for 2014-15. Register for free information webinars on May 27th, June 13th, and August 15th or visit…

One of the most successful meetings we had was the National Policy Forum held in Vancouver in 2001. It had been well prepared for – preliminary meetings had been held…

It started right after several of us had been at a (non-related) meeting in Ottawa.  While waiting for flights to take us to our homes in different parts of Canada…

For some time now, Winnipeg’s municipal governance has had its share of negative press. Procedural mismanagement and a lack of transparency have dominated the civic discourse, leaving little room for…

CCEDNet has partnered with the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques to promote community economic development (CED) and the social and solidarity economy (SSE) to francophones in the Americas. There…

Last week marked a very successful step for the hard work of child care advocates in Manitoba. The Province of Manitoba has committed to a substantial 5-year plan for child…

A meeting of the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS) Board of directors was held April 27 and 28, 2014. It was preceded (April 24…

April 30th, 2014 marked the 15th anniversary of the incorporation of the Canadian CED Network. In celebration of this milestone, we asked for comments and reflections from some of the…