The Canadian CED Network’s Policy Council submitted a response to the federal government’s invitation for pre-budget submissions for the 2017 Federal Budget. The submission focused our recommendations on how the government can implement the measures it has already committed to undertaking in ways that will maximize their impact and value for communities.
Read the full pre-budget submission
If you also submitted a brief we’d love to include it below…
Please send your pre-budget submission to Matthew Thompson at mthompson at
Our Recommendations for the 2017 Federal Budget:
1. Supporting Canadians | |
a. | Implement social value weighting in all federal RFPs and contracts |
b. | Include community benefit agreements in federal development projects |
c. | Implement a Living Wage requirement for all contractors, including their subcontractors, on government contracts |
2. Supporting Enterprise | |
a. | Expand the capacity and access to existing SME services through the Canadian Business Network and other federal business development programs to enhance business supports and readiness for investment by social enterprises, co-operatives and non-profits. This should be coupled with awareness-raising efforts for government officials to ensure a level playing field for alternative forms of incorporation. |
3. Supporting Community Economies and Resiliency | |
a. | Include criteria in new infrastructure investment that prioritize funding for clean energy projects in communities vulnerable to climate change |
b. | Make affordable financing available to communities and project developers through the Canadian Infrastructure Bank, including federal loan guarantees |
4. Partnerships for Implementation | |
a. | A roundtable bringing together representatives from the CED community and government departments would facilitate the ongoing co-construction and refinement of public policy relevant in support of communities |
Read the full pre-budget submission
Pre-Budget Submissions from CCEDNet Members
Affordability and Housing System Futures – Tyler Pearce and Josh Brandon | Federal Working Group, Right to Housing | ||
Recommendations: | ||
1. | A long-term commitment to RGI, social and affordable housing | |
2. | Encourage rental housing construction with taxation policy | |
3. | Prioritize indigenous housing, On- and Off-Reserve | |
Make Poverty History Manitoba Budget submission – Make Poverty History Manitoba | ||
Recommendations: | ||
1. | Budget 2017 should signal a long-term commitment for social housing with a tenyear National Housing Plan investing $2 billion per year | |
2. | The Government of Canada should work with all provinces to ensure that all Canadians receive a sufficient income to meet their basic needs and participate fully in community life | |
3. | Provide funding for a Labour Market Intermediary pilot in Winnipeg and in Northern Manitoba | |
4. | Invest in addressing the barriers immigrants face when getting their qualifications recognized | |
5. | Incrementally increase the federal minimum wage to a level sufficient to lift a single parent, working full time, with one child above the LICO-BT level | |
6. | Implement the recommendations provided by the Manitoba Child Care Association in its pre-budget submission | |
7. | Invest in community-based Aboriginal head start programs in and around highneeds schools across Canada | |
8. | Increase funding for existing adult literacy and learning centres and ensure all lowincome neighbourhoods and public housing complexes have access to communitybased and culturally-appropriate adult literacy and learning centres with onsite child care services | |
9. | Provide community-based organizations with adequate, flexible, and long-term funding (three to five years), and include dedicated funding to Indigenous-led organizations and organizations working with Indigenous people for the delivery of programming that integrates decolonization methods | |
10. | Develop a Neighbourhood Revitalization Program with multi-year core and projectbased funding to support urban communities across Canada in taking a long-term, comprehensive, community-led approach to neighbourhood revitalization | |
11. | Set a goal to reduce the need for food bank use by half within ten years and set a date for the elimination of the need for food banks in Manitoba | |
Social Enterprise Council of Canada submission – Social Enterprise Council of Canada | ||
Recommendations: | ||
1. | Implement a Social Procurement Policy | |
2. | Enhance Business Acumen & Skills Capacity in Social Enterprise Sector | |
3. | Design and implement a supportive policy environment for social enterprise | |
Recommendations for the 2017 Federal Budget – Momentum | ||
Recommendations: | ||
1. | Collaborate with provinces, territories, municipalities, and key stakeholder groups to develop a National Poverty Reduction Strategy that addresses the root causes of poverty | |
2. | Strengthen the promotion of RESPs and the Canada Learning Bond to improve take-up rates among Canadian families living on lower incomes | |
3. | Increase investments in employment and skills training for vulnerable Canadians through Labour Market Agreement transfers to the provinces and territories | |
Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2017 Budget – Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada | ||
Recommendations: | ||
1. | Invest $50 million in the Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund | |
2. | Create a tax credit for purchasing shares in Canadian cooperatives | |
3. | Adopt the Framework on Canadian Cooperatives Act (Bill C-286) and support a Canadian Cooperative Development Strategy | |
You hold the key: What’s needed to fix co-op housing – The Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada | ||
Recommendations: | ||
1. | Protect low-income households living in housing co-operatives | |
2. | Support policies and programs that will allow housing co-operatives to leverage private investment | |
3. | Build new co-operative housing |