CCEDNet Submits Recommendations for the 2019 Federal Budget

August 7, 2018

The Canadian CED Network’s Policy Council submitted a response to the federal government’s invitation for pre-budget submissions for the 2019 Federal Budget.  This year, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance called for submissions that addressed Economic Growth: Ensuring Canada’s Competitiveness.

Read the full pre-budget submission

Our Recommendations for the 2019 Federal Budget

1. Advance Social Innovation and Social Finance
       a. Invest $375M to support the community priorities of the Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy
b. Adopt framework legislation to embed a commitment to social innovation and social finance across the federal government, and create a multi-sectoral Social Innovation Council
c. Create an Office of Social Innovation to promote interdepartmental collaboration in the implementation of the Strategy and coordinate reporting on progress
d. Establish a National Social Innovation Knowledge Sharing Network
2. Make Canadian Businesses More Productive and Competitive
a. Invest $5M over 2 years to expand the capacity and access of Canada Business Network services to social enterprise and co-operative sectors.
b. Provide a supportive regulatory framework giving charities and non-profits more flexibility to pursue business models.
c. Invest $75M over five years to support innovation networks and communities of practice
d. Contribute to the capitalization of existing and emerging community-based social finance investment funds.
3. Help Canadians Be More Productive
a. Invest $15M over three years for training, deployment and measurement to utilize social procurement policies.
b. Engage stakeholders across sectors, including community leaders, to co-create a strong national strategy for Community Employment Benefits, with clear targets and common measures.
c. Study the feasibility of a portable account, financed by contributions from workers, employers and the federal government, for Canadians to draw upon to pay for lifetime learning and job retraining.

Read the full pre-budget submission