“Open Book”: Social Enterprise panel and workshop

 Registration is closed for this event

March 5, 2024 1:00 - 4:00 PM Central Time | Siloam Mission Classroom | 300 Princess Street, Winnipeg

Join CCEDNet Manitoba and Strategy Made Simple for an inside view to how things are done in other social enterprises at the “Open Book” panel discussion and workshop on March 5!

Learn from other practitioners, gain a better understanding of how others approach problem solving, and apply new techniques and ideas to your social enterprise.

The session begins with a panel discussion where Siloam Mission’s Social Enterprise Manager will describe situations and issues that occur during operations. A team of social enterprise advisors would speak into those situations. Topics we expect to cover include: 

  • how to manage supported employment
  • how to sell new services
  • balancing impact with revenue generation

Following the panel learning experience, apply the lessons discussed to your social enterprise through activities led by Matthew Rempel of Strategy Made Simple. Share your experiences, work through some exercises, and share ideas with the other participants.

Accessibility: Accessibility accommodations are available by advanced request by contacting Marlis Funk at  by February 27, 2024.


  • CCEDNet members -  $25 
  • Non-member organization or individual - $75 (Not a member? Join CCEDNet)
  • Barrier-free option available

*Barrier-free – This option might be community members who are Indigenous, Black, or People of Colour, people with disabilities, students, people with lived experience of poverty, or low-income earners.

About the Facilitator:

Matthew Rempel is a social enterprise development coach with a marketing lens. Matthew can provide resources, workshops, as well as one on one and small group coaching.

Matthew’s skills are particularly suited to interviewing and coaching social entrepreneurs to help them clarify the core values of their operation, and to see the value that they can provide for their clients/customers and towards their social goal. He also has experience in brand development, online business startup, business planning, communications planning, product and service development, re-branding, content creation, and workshop facilitation.


March 5, 2024 from 14:00 ET to 17:00 ET
Event Fee(s)
Registration Fees
Non-member Organization or Individual - $50
CCEDNet Member Rate - $0
Barrier Free (enter pay what you can amount below)
Barrier Free