Dear CCEDNet Members and Contacts,
Already close to 900 people are registered for what will likely be the largest event on community-based approaches to social and economic development ever held in Canada.
The International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy (FIESS) is coming to Montréal on October 17-20, 2011.
CCEDNet is a partner with the Chantier de l’économie sociale in the preparation of the Forum, which presents innovative practices from around the world in five themes:
– Local Development
– Finance and Market Access
– Innovation and Community Entrepreneurship
– Employment
– Food Security and Sovereignty
This is a unique opportunity to have such a diverse program of international best practices in Canada. Simultaneous translation in three languages (French, English, and Spanish) will facilitate direct learning between speakers and participants from 50 countries. Leading presenters from Europe, Australia and the U.S. will compare successes and challenges with Latin American, African and Asian colleagues. Yvon Poirier, Chair of CCEDNet’s International Committee, has prepared this brief introduction to three outstanding Asian examples that will be on the FIESS program.
In addition, pre-Forum sessions on Indigenous experiences, feminist perspectives, the latest research, a youth and cultural evening and 30 site visits will provide opportunities for participants to extend networking and learning.
In particular, CCEDNet members and staff will be involved in the local development theme, research sessions, and youth event.
The deadline for early-bird registration rates has been extended to July 22. To reduce costs, solidarity accommodation (billeting with Montréal residents) can be requested when you register.
I urge you to consider joining me at this important event and I would appreciate it if you could share this message with anyone you think would be interested.
For more information, and to register, go to:
Michael Toye
Executive Director