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Just over a month out from CommonBound (July 8-10, Buffalo, NY), the New Economy Coalition is excited to announce an important piece of this summer’s conference: the keynote speakers. Like the…

Minister Jean-Yves Duclos provided an address to participants of ECONOUS2016 in Montréal, May18, 2016 (watch video above) The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, has provided further…

In 2017, Canadians across the country will celebrate Canada’s 150th Anniversary of Confederation (Canada 150), a key milestone in the life of our country. The overarching theme to celebrating Canada 150…

The National Social Enterprise report was released at ECONOUS2016 in Montréal on May 18, 2016.  In 2014 and 2015, the Social Enterprise Sector Survey, under the direction of Peter Elson (Mount…

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) invites the submission of an Application for Funding from Indigenous organizations interested in obtaining time-limited Skills and Partnership Fund (SPF) contribution funding. Proposals must demonstrate…

Prosper Canada is seeking applications from non-profit/charitable organizations to be part of a new project, Financial Empowerment Champions.   Prosper Canada will collaborate with five organizations across the country to improve…

Espace québécois de concertation sur les pratiques d’approvisionnement responsable (ECPAR), a non-profit organization based in Montreal, Quebec, promotes and supports corporate, government and institutional sustainable purchasing. ECPAR is currently trying…

Budget 2016 was tabled Tuesday in the House of Commons. As part of pre-budget consultations, CCEDNet and many of our members and partners prepared recommendations that have been posted on…

The 2016 Alternative Federal Budget (AFB), released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), projects a federal deficit of $29.2 billion for 2016-17 when Liberal platform measures are…

new_call_for_proposals_-_support_for_womens_empowerment.jpg Status of Women Canada is inviting organizations to submit proposals for projects to increase women’s participation in democratic and public life. This call for proposals is divided into the…

Toronto MP Ahmed Hussen has introduced a private member’s bill that would allow the federal government to require information on the community benefits generated by construction, maintenance or repair contracts…

There is an exciting new project called Beautiful Solutions: Toolbox for the Future, and everyone is invited to get involved! Beautiful Solutions is collecting stories to spotlight the most powerful…