Region: All

In 2014 and 2015, the Social Enterprise Sector Survey collected impact data from non-profit social enterprises in all provinces and territories of Canada (except Quebec, where the Comité sectoriel de…

The Co-operators have announced eight donations totalling $120,000 to organizations across the country that are working to enhance the self-reliance and employability of marginalized youth and people with mental health…

The creation of a new credit union trade association was announced January 27. The Canadian Credit Union Association (CCUA) will support and advocate for a successful, competitive and growing credit union…

A five-year, $5 million commitment from the Co-operative Retailing System (CRS) will provide critical start-up funding for Co-operatives First, an organization that will facilitate a new wave of co-operative development…

Encouraging entrepreneurship among disadvantaged groups can help boost jobs and tackle social exclusion, according to a new joint report by the OECD and European Commission. The Missing Entrepreneurs 2015 looks at European…

The federal government has released an open invitation for pre-budget submissions from Canadians in advance of the 2016 Federal Budget. The government has not set a date for the finalized…

Cities offer the scale needed for transformative change — large enough to matter, but small enough to manage. Universities and colleges are also civic actors in their own right. They…

Throughout the world people are building ‘another world’ – one that seeks to be in harmony with each other and with the earth. The social solidarity economy is a movement…

Happy Holidays from CCEDNet!CED Holiday Buying & Giving Guide 2015 Are you spreading the holiday cheer this year? This guide is designed to help extend the reach of that cheer…

The Canadian Worker Co-op Federation (CWCF) and the General Confederation of Cooperatives and participatory societies (CGSCOP) of France have signed an economic agreement between France and Canada, regarding shared knowledge…

Co-op Week 2015, taking place from October 11-17, is an opportunity for co-ops and credit union members across Canada to celebrate that they have collectively helped to build this country…

UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SUMMIT 2015 September 26th, 2015, New York Speaking Notes for the Interactive Dialogue “Fostering sustainable economic growth, transformation and promoting sustainable consumption and production” MADANI KOUMARE, …