Project Type: Learning & Capacity Building

The Community Action for Workforce Development program is an initiative funded by the Government of Canada through the Community Workforce Development Program that pilots intersectional, community-led workforce planning models in…

All Community Leadership Program (CLP) course offerings are designed to help social purpose leaders, managers and organizations navigate challenge, change and opportunity successfully. This unique learning environment is intentionally designed…

Funded by the Government of Canada, the Investment Readiness Program (IRP) is a $50 million grants and contributions program designed to support social purpose organizations (SPO’s) as they contribute to solving pressing…

CreateAction provides paid-work experiences and career-relevant learning opportunities for young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET) and who are facing systemic barriers to employment. The main goals of…

Social movements around the world are organizing with increased urgency for systems change that is both socially just and environmentally sustainable. The impacts of climate change on everything from the…

Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) are social enterprises that have a social mission to directly support vulnerable community members who are facing exclusion from the labour market. WISEs involve these…

Enabling communities across Canada to measure and track local well-being The Community Data Program (CDP) is a membership-based community development initiative open to any Canadian public, non-profit or community sector…