The mission of Out of this World Café is to assist the community by employing current in-patients and out-patients of the psychiatric community, increasing their communal integration by providing real-world…
These reviews built on trends toward the contracting out of community services that began in earnest in BC in the 1980s. Faced with pressure to do more with less, governments…
Le gouvernement du Québec lance un vaste mouvement en faveur de l’approvisionnement des organismes publics et municipaux en biens et en services produits par des entreprises collectives. Les initiatives visent…
Earlier this year, Atira Property Management Inc. (APMI) contracted Ernst & Young to perform a Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis. The purpose of the SROI analysis is to determine…
Greening the economy at the local level will bring jobs, prosperity, and help us address the environmental challenges we’re facing. That is the finding of Green Economy at Community Scale,…
A research report prepared for the Northern Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan Regional Node of the Social Economy Suite This paper, prepared for the Canadian CED Network (CCEDNet), explores the state…
This report summarizes the current support of each provincial and territorial government in Canada for community economic development (CED) activities. It is intended for use by CED practitioners in the…
The use of public procurement to achieve social outcomes is widespread, but detailed information about how it operates is often sketchy and difficult to find. This article is essentially a…
When the social economy was introduced to the Canadian policy agenda in 2004, it aroused great interest among community-based stakeholders and policy makers. It also raised many questions of definition,…
A research report prepared for the Northern Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan Regional Node of the Social Economy Suite Most CED pratitioners are primarily interested in action and projects, and the…
The social economy is not new and its beginnings can be traced all the way back to Babylonian times. However, it can be said to have officially emerged around the…
Immigrant and refugee persons face serious settlement challenges. Integrating into their new community is made exceedingly difficult due to their limited social and professional networks, the non-recognition of foreign experience…