This report attempts to determine whether Aboriginal people in Winnipeg’s inner city vote in mainstream elections, and if not, why not. It provides evidence to show that Aboriginal people constitute…
The growth of the New Economy has the potential to positively benefit community economic development (CED) organizations, rural communities and First Nations in Manitoba. Organizations and communities have not necessarily…
This report explores some of the existing work done by others on the barriers Canada’s Indigenous Peoples face in participating in natural resource management, providing a synopsis that will hopefully…
Since its inception in 2000, the Toronto Enterprise Fund has invested in research and evaluation to document and support the dissemination of learning and best practices on social purpose enterprises…
The Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission has the task of contributing to the development of a modern, innovative and sustainable European Social Model…
Creative City Network of Canada is an organization of people employed by municipalities across Canada working on arts, culture and heritage policy, planning, development and support. Municipalities, large and small,…
This paper focuses on urban Aboriginal community development. It draws on the experiences of 26 Aboriginal people who have been and are active in various forms of community development in…
This project set out to investigate how the “new economy” had created both problems and opportunities for residents of Gardenton, MB. However, while Gardenton has experienced some changes in the…
This report researches the benefits and drawbacks of three alternative food production and farm marketing models: community shared agriculture; The Winnipeg Humane Society Certified labeling program for dairy and meat…
The objective of this research is to analyze the extent to which the information and computer technology (ICT) industry in Winnipeg contributes to or detracts from the objectives of community…
The purpose of this study is to explore the current state of information technology and its application in northern Manitoba, in order to develop best practices, and identify gaps and…
This research project explores the ways in which the residents of Franklin, Manitoba might react to developing an agricultural land trust, an alternative model that places importance on non-economic dimensions…