This guide, developed by the Government of Canada’s Co-operatives Secretariat, includes information describing what co-operatives are, the various kinds of co-operatives, differences between co-ops and other types of businesses, co-operative…
This guide attempts to answer important questions, including; How can you tell if your group is ready to embark on a social enterprise? What are the steps in a social…
This Tool Kit will assist community organizations in becoming more equitable, diverse and inclusive than they are at present. The purpose of this Tool Kit is to support diversity and…
This toolkit was developed for groups and communities across the country that are concerned about homeless and at-risk youth and how to help them to re-integrate into society. Although the…
You can help develop your local economy. How? By teaching Community Economic Development (CED) best practices to others. Building Dreams with Teams is a curriculum package designed for CED practitioners,…
Since its inception in 2000, the Toronto Enterprise Fund has invested in research and evaluation to document and support the dissemination of learning and best practices on social purpose enterprises…
About the Partnership Handbook: Strong, viable partnerships don’t just happen. They need to be understood, properly developed and well maintained. Skills, knowledge and experience are required when we bring people…
This facilitator’s guide is intended to assist you in facilitating a discussion about partnerships with people who have read through The Partnership Handbook. The Handbook was created by the Labour…
A manual based on proven strategies and experience of community economic development that describes 23 characteristics of ³resilience,² the capacity of communities to shape their way of life. Although used…
Tools and Techniques for Community Recovery and Renewal, a companion to the Community Resilience Manual that includes specific tried and true methods for improving economic well-being as well as further…