This report draws together information from all of the research projects conducted as part of the Manitoba Research Alliance on Community Economic Development in the New Economy. It includes sections…
This report addresses the lack of theory surrounding CED. One of the difficulties in theorizing about CED is the eclectic nature of its definition. To some, CED covers any economic…
Despite the growing recognition of CED with women as a viable community development strategy, there remains relatively little written about its theory or practice. There is even less in the…
This report seeks to determine what CED-oriented business development might consist of. This research will seek to determine what is meant by “Community Economic Development” and determine what the components…
This case study investigates the impact of Learning for Life (LFL) project, a Community Learning Network (CLN) project funded by the Office of Learning Technologies, Human Resources Development Canada, on…
This report explores the barriers and opportunities for young women in the “new” economy, and outlines Community Economic Development approaches to preventing poverty among young women ages 15 -24. The…
This report offers an exploration of the definition of CED and CED initiatives, supported through relevant literature. It also acknowledges the role of government in CED for the past 50…
This report has two objectives: to inform the reader about the planned partnership between Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (NCN) and Manitoba Hydro for the proposed Wuskwatim Hydroelectric Generating Station; and to…
You can help develop your local economy. How? By teaching Community Economic Development (CED) best practices to others. Building Dreams with Teams is a curriculum package designed for CED practitioners,…
About the Partnership Handbook: Strong, viable partnerships don’t just happen. They need to be understood, properly developed and well maintained. Skills, knowledge and experience are required when we bring people…
This facilitator’s guide is intended to assist you in facilitating a discussion about partnerships with people who have read through The Partnership Handbook. The Handbook was created by the Labour…
CED is a key component of the Province of Manitoba’s economic strategy and an approach central to Neighbourhoods Alive!’s efforts to support community driven neighbourhood renewal. The basic principles of…