This report draws together information from all of the research projects conducted as part of the Manitoba Research Alliance on Community Economic Development in the New Economy. The report contains…
This report draws together information from all of the research projects conducted as part of the Manitoba Research Alliance on Community Economic Development in the New Economy. It includes sections…
The growth of the New Economy has the potential to positively benefit community economic development (CED) organizations, rural communities and First Nations in Manitoba. Organizations and communities have not necessarily…
The main purpose of this research project is to determine what factors are obstructing high-speed Internet use in the rural district of St-Pierre-Jolys and the RM of De Salaberry. Two…
This report has two objectives: to inform the reader about the planned partnership between Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (NCN) and Manitoba Hydro for the proposed Wuskwatim Hydroelectric Generating Station; and to…
This research project explores the ways in which the residents of Franklin, Manitoba might react to developing an agricultural land trust, an alternative model that places importance on non-economic dimensions…
Creative City Network of Canada is an organization of people employed by municipalities across Canada working on arts, culture and heritage policy, planning, development and support. Municipalities, large and small,…
This project set out to investigate how the “new economy” had created both problems and opportunities for residents of Gardenton, MB. However, while Gardenton has experienced some changes in the…