In 2007–2008, Canada spent an estimated $14.3 billion in public expenditures for mental health services and supports.1 According to a 2009 report by the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, costs…
Too many economic development policymakers are overly focused on the goal of economic growth. But growth is only good to the extent that it brings about increased real incomes for…
Based on Michael Quinn Patton’s best-selling Utilization-Focused Evaluation, this briefer book provides an overall framework and essential checklist steps for designing and conducting evaluations that actually get used. The new…
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) Municipal Partners for Economic Development (MPED) is a five-year program (2010–15) designed to support sustainable and equitable economic development in seven developing countries in…
Naga City officials have demonstrated that good local governance matters because it can bring a community together to mobilize its resources to promote economic growth and equitable social development that…
The Women’s Development Centre (WDC) Project was a pilot economic empowerment project for women, which started in 2006 and ended in 2010. The project had three development objectives: To facilitate…
This article is an empirical analysis of an individual’s decision to participate in community economic development (CED) initiatives in Canada. The objective of the analysis is to better understand how…
This document presents a “how to” approach to evaluating place-based initiatives. It discusses ten questions that an evaluation of place-based initiatives needs to address, although they could also be useful…
The federal government’s knowledge role within place‐based approaches has been identified by federal civil servants as an opportunity to improve the co‐ordination of federal departments and the compatibility of inter‐jurisdictional…
As a community, Prince George is different than Brampton, which is different than St. John’s. Place-based approaches are bottom-up interventions that acknowledge the impact local realities can have on program…
Collaborative place-based approaches (PBAs) have emerged as a means of addressing “wickedly” complex issues: those that have many interacting causes and are seen to require multiple actors to develop a…
What do the Homelessness Partnerships Strategy, the Forest Communities Program and the Aboriginal Leadership Strategy have in common? They are all federal initiatives that address stubbornly persistent issues by engaging…