The Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency issued new guidance on July 26, 2012 for organizations that have or are seeking charitable registration under the Income Tax Act in…
For a detailed list of return on investment (ROI), social return on investment (SROI), cost-benefit calculations and evaluation resources for CED efforts, social enterprises and related initiatives, see the SROI…
THIS BOOK CONTRIBUTES to the growing literature on the social economy from the particular perspectives of Atlantic Canadians who have been part of the Social Economy and Sustainability Research Network….
BUILD Prosperity outlines how Manitoba’s fossil fuel tab can be replaced with jobs and justice in the local economy. From Manitoba Hydro to government cafeterias – these bold, practical ideas make…
Community Consultation Standards The objective of the community consultation guide is to prepare researchers to visit a Keewaytinook and Okimakanak (KO) affiliated community in North Western Ontario. It is a…
Over the five years of the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships, public policy emerged as a key theme. This e-book brings together the National Hub’s public policy and knowledge mobilization…
Close to 400 products were generated through the various research projects coming out of the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP). This body of research is a substantial contribution to…