Have you ever attended meetings that go nowhere? Or, seen presentations that bored your socks off? Have you seen too many PowerPoints? Avoid these plagues and learn the basics of facilitation including what it is and when to use it. Through the interactive activities of the workshop, participants will create the beginning of a facilitation toolkit with processes they can immediately implement.
Facilitator – Lynn Ann Lauriault | Instructor in the CD/CED Program, Red River College:
Lynn Ann Lauriault is a graduate of the University of Toronto, with a B.A. in Sociology & Political Science and a Masters in Adult Education and Community Development (O.I.S.E.). She has worked as a facilitator of Community Development in urban & rural settings in various parts of Canada and in Africa. She currently teaches the Community Development/Community Economic Development program at Red River College where ‘Facilitating Empowering Processes’ is one of the courses.
Facilitator – Mike Tutthill | Planning & Evaluation Facilitator, Health in Common: Mike Tutthill is a Planning & Evaluation Facilitator at Health in Common where he helps organizations and communities develop and facilitate planning and needs assessments through gathering information and local knowledge to support planning processes, create community development tools, and implement plans. Mike holds an undergraduate degree in International Development Studies from the University of Winnipeg and a certificate in Community-driven Health Impact Assessment from the Coady International Institute at St. Francis Xavier University.
Practical, Tactical Strategies to Drive Community Engagement through Social Media
April 18 | 1:00 – 4:00pm | United Way Learning Centre | 580 Main St.
Getting information about your message, programs, events, and services out to your community and the broader public is an important part of community development. Social media can be a powerful tool, but you need information and expertise to use it effectively. In this interactive session, you will explore – and find answers – to questions such as:
Is social media a right fit for my organization?
Which social media channels should I be on? Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc.
How do I get people to listen to what I’m saying online?
We’ve got no money. How do we get this done on a shoe-string budget?
Facilitator – Joseph Ranseth | Senior Marketing Strategist, Vine Multimedia:
Actively involved in internet marketing since 1999, Joseph Ranseth is an innovator in using social media to bring communities together for positive purposes. Recognized as one of the most Inspiring People On Twitter by the Huffington Post, Joseph has been featured several times on TV (Fox News, CBS, City TV) for his viral campaigns. Joseph has recently returned from years of living in Phoenix to his home Winnipeg to launch his own purpose-driven marketing agency Vine Multimedia, serving as the Senior Marketing Strategist. An active volunteer, Ranseth is on the board of directors for the National Autism Association in the US, is an active volunteer & major donor with the United Way of Winnipeg, and – most proudly – he is a Big Brother with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg.
Engaging People in Community Development
May 2 | 1:00 – 4:00pm | United Way Learning Centre | 580 Main St.
Community development is rooted in a belief that people have special knowledge, skills, and experience regarding their communities, and should be involved in programming, planning, and action to make change. However, there are many challenges to getting people to attend events, get involved in programs, or take part in planning or visioning for their community. Various tools and approaches developed for city and community planning can help mitigate conflict and maximize opportunities to build a common vision and collaborative partnerships, which leads to successful community development. This workshop will explore different engagement and participatory planning strategies, consider ways to deal with some of the most likely challenges in the process, as well as featuring tips and stories by local community development workers with a wealth of experience successfully engaging their communities.
Facilitator – Brendan Reimer | Regional Coordinator, Canadian CED Network:
Brendan Reimer is the Regional Coordinator for the Prairies and Northern Territories at the Canadian Community Economic Development Network, a Board Member at the Assiniboine Credit Union, as well as a member of the Social Enterprise Council of Canada. Working out of the new Social Enterprise Centre at 765 Main Street, Brendan is a teacher and an organizer, and works hard to change policy in support of building fairer and stronger local economies, reducing poverty and homelessness, and creating more sustainable communities. He has taught the “Management of Non-Profits” course at the University of Winnipeg’s School of Business and Administration, and facilitates many workshops every year on the topics of CED, social enterprise, building financial sustainability in non-profits, and understanding and advancing policy.
Build & Grow Your Social Enterprise
May 16 | 9:00am – 3:30pm | Social Enterprise Centre | 765 Main St.
If your nonprofit is interested in exploring the social enterprise model, or if you are looking to strengthen an existing social enterprise, this is the workshop for you. This highly effective, informative and interactive session provides an overview of the ‘what and how’ of social enterprise. Learn about the steps of development for social enterprise and hear lots of examples of successful Canadian social enterprises. All participants will receive a copy of enp’s comprehensive Canadian Guide to Social Enterprise, and become eligible for an enp-mb Social Enterprise Development Grant.
Click here to learn more about Enterprising Non-Profits – Manitoba
Facilitator – David LePage | Program Manager, Enterprising Non-Profits:
David LePage is the Program Manager of Enterprising Non-Profits in Vancouver. He is a member of the Social Enterprise Council of Canada, board member of Social Enterprise Alliance, and a collaborator with the Social Enterprise World Forum. He has been engaged in the social economy for nearly forty years, including inner city and rural economic development, community media, and social enterprise.
Facilitator – Brendan Reimer | Regional Coordinator, Canadian CED Network: Brendan Reimer is the Regional Coordinator for the Prairies and Northern Territories at the Canadian Community Economic Development Network, a Board Member at the Assiniboine Credit Union, as well as a member of the Social Enterprise Council of Canada. Working out of the new Social Enterprise Centre at 765 Main Street, Brendan is a teacher and an organizer, and works hard to change policy in support of building fairer and stronger local economies, reducing poverty and homelessness, and creating more sustainable communities. He has taught the “Management of Non-Profits” course at the University of Winnipeg’s School of Business and Administration, and facilitates many workshops every year on the topics of CED, social enterprise, building financial sustainability in non-profits, and understanding and advancing policy.
Counselling and Communication Skills for Difficult Situations
May 30 | 9:00am – 4:00pm | United Way Learning Centre | 580 Main St.
Working in the community can sometimes mean interacting with people dealing with high levels of stress, difficult life situations, or challenges with mental health. This workshop focuses on the foundational skills to have an effective conversation with individuals who are having difficulty and may be in crisis situations. This includes an introduction to trauma informed care, and foundational communication skills required in helping conversations. Additionally the workshop includes how crises develop and common emotional, cognitive, and behavioural responses to crisis. Participants will also learn a counselling model to use when engaging with individuals in crisis used on Klinic’s crisis lines. This workshop uses a mixture of lecture, group discussion, audio examples, and case study to facilitate participant learning. Also expect a guest appearance from members of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and Canadian Mental Health Association who will explain what other resources are out there to help you create an accessible workplace committed to inclusion and promoting good mental health.
Facilitator – Lyndsay Hersikorn | Trainer & Counsellor, Klinic Community Health Centre:
Klinic is a member of the Manitoba Association of Community Health providing a full range of health related services from medical care to counselling to education. Klinic promotes health and quality of life for all aiming to help people make choices about their own health. Lyndsay Hersikorn is a trainer and counsellor at Klinic Community Health Centre. She provides public education, training, and professional development in a number of clinical areas. She is a certified crisis counsellor through the American Association of Suicidology. As a counsellor at Klinic she has experience working with individuals in crisis, and individuals with histories of trauma.
The Spring 2013 Strengthening Non-Profits Workshops are hosted by Spark – A Service of the Canadian CED Network, with support from the United Way of Winnipeg
Manitoba is grappling with numerous economic, social, and environmental challenges. To foster inclusive economic growth, the province can tap into the power of Community Economic Development.
The Thriving Non-Profits cohort program includes seven hours of dedicated coaching support, and many learners choose to continue working with their coach beyond the program to advance their organization’s broader goals….