The 2015 Gathering will take place Friday October 23rd at Garden City Collegiate, and the theme for the day is “Connecting the Dots” – encouraging people to see the connections between various social challenges and solutions to deepen their understanding of community renewal and social justice.
We have just confirmed one of our keynote speakers!
Please welcome Clayton Thomas-Muller:
Clayton Thomas-Muller is a member of the Treaty #6 based Mathias Colomb Cree Nation also known as Pukatawagan located in in Northern Manitoba, Canada. Based in the Canadian capital city of Ottawa, Clayton is an organizer with, the Co-Director of the Indigenous Tar Sands Campaign of the Polaris Institute and a founder and organizer with Defenders of the Land. Clayton is involved in many initiatives to support the building of an inclusive movement globally for energy and climate justice. He serves on the boards of Black Mesa Water Coalition, the Global Justice Ecology Project and the Bioneers. He is also a steering committee member of the Tar Sands Solutions Network.
Clayton has been recognized by Utne Magazine as one of the top 30 under 30 activists in the United States and as a “Climate Hero 2009” by Yes Magazine. For the last twelve years he has campaigned across Canada, Alaska and the lower 48 states organizing in hundreds of First Nations, Alaska Native and Native American communities in support of grassroots Indigenous Peoples to defend against the encroachment of the fossil fuel industry. This has included a special focus on the sprawling infrastructure of pipelines, refineries and extraction associated with the Canadian tar sands. Clayton is an organizer, facilitator, public speaker and writer on environmental and economic justice.
Visit the Gathering page on the CCEDNet website for updates and information on previous Gatherings, including a video of last year’s keynote. Tweet us at #gath2015.
Registration opens September 14th!
For more information, contact Molly Dunbar at gathering at
The Gathering is an annual pay-what-you-can event designed to provide professional development and networking opportunities for staff of community organizations, civil servants, representatives of funding organizations, active community members, students, academics and anyone interested in community development and community economic development.
Hosted by the Canadian CED Network – Manitoba and planned collectively by over 15 organizations.
Event Partner:Celebrating Sponsor:
Thank you to all our other event sponsors and partners
CCEDNet is a national member-led organization committed to strengthening Canadian communities by creating better economic opportunities and enhancing environmental and social conditions.
Manitoba is grappling with numerous economic, social, and environmental challenges. To foster inclusive economic growth, the province can tap into the power of Community Economic Development.
The Thriving Non-Profits cohort program includes seven hours of dedicated coaching support, and many learners choose to continue working with their coach beyond the program to advance their organization’s broader goals….