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The Canadian CED Network (CCEDNet), supported by the Bolivian Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (CEBEM) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), is organizing a 6-week, on-line forum on policy to…

The Conference Board of Canada today issued its annual ranking of Canada with respect to a number of “society” indicators. Overall, says the Board, Canada’s “social performance” ranks 9th out…

GUELPH, ON, Sept. 16 /CNW/ – The University of Guelph and The Co-operators today launched a new centre dedicated to preparing a new generation of business leaders committed to community…

by Georgia Kelly, Shaula Massen   The Mondragón Cooperative Corporation (MCC), the largest consortium of worker-owned companies, has developed a different way of doing business-a way that puts workers, not…

This guide identifies important quality of life factors that can help communities improve themselves in areas that really matter. While such things as unemployment rates, income per capita and air…

2009 Request for Letters of Intent Social Enterprise Angels is an exciting event to be featured at the Third Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise, organized by the Social Enterprise Council…

Since the World Food Summit in 1996 communities around the world have become more concerned about food security. Though in Canada we often consider ourselves fortunate to have a great…

Executive Summary The tax and program spending levers available to the federal government provide a number of opportunities to catalyze entrepreneurial initiatives that contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic development….

Learning Enrichment Foundation – Member Profile Brodie Metcalfe History Beginning in 1978, in response to a pressing need to address social, educational and employment concerns in the city of York…

CCEDNet Board Welcomes Ryan Gibson Ryan Gibson Research Affiliate, Rural Development Institute, Brandon University Originally from rural Manitoba, Ryan is a Research Affiliate with the Rural Development Institute of Brandon…

CCEDNet board endorses the new anti-poverty campaign ‘Dignity for All’ being led by Canada Without Poverty (formerly the National Anti-Poverty Organization) and Citizens for Public Justice.  Building the Conversation with…

Through its Executive Director, CCEDNet is represented on the steering committee of Community Based Research Canada, a new cross-sectoral network of universities and civil society organizations that is pushing for…