For many members of the Canadian CED Network (CCEDNet), 2023 continued to be a year full of challenges. Canadian communities are still recovering from the enduring impacts of the COVID pandemic, are affected by continued and mounting conflicts, and are rebuilding from and bracing for more climate and environmental crises.
Through all of this, CCEDNet members continue responding to the needs of their communities, needs rooted in ongoing systemic economic inequities. We know that when communities are inclusive, healthy and sustainable places to live, grow, and work, everyone benefits. The work of CCEDNet members is an active demonstration of how our economies can be structured differently.
CCEDNet is a place for those community leaders to learn, advocate and support each other. In 2023, our strategies, activities, and governance continued to build a broad-based movement for social and economic change. We invite you to explore what was accomplished and encourage you to join us in creating a future where strong, thriving local economies benefit everyone.
Public Policy & Government Relations
CCEDNet provides a platform for its members to share information, collaborate, and coordinate actions to more effectively advance a pan-Canadian CED-related policy agenda.
With CCEDNet’s Policy Council, Policy Group, and the People-Centred Economy Group – which together gather over 50 CCEDNet members and partners – we advocated for $330M over five years in the 2023 Fall Economic Statement and 2024 Federal Budget to fully implement the Social Innovation & Social Finance Strategy (12 Inclusive Innovation recommendations), with a priority to renew funding for the Investment Readiness Program. The SI/SF Strategy is a key opportunity to scale up the economic activities of social purpose organizations that are addressing our most persistent social, economic, and environmental challenges.
With MP Ryan Turnbull, CCEDNet hosted the Sustainable Finance Forum on November 1 & 2, 2023, including remarks by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Deputy PM / Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland, eight plenary and twelve breakout sessions, and more than 100 speakers! Over 600 people attended, including CCEDNet members, partners, finance industry stakeholders, and parliamentarians. The Forum was a catalyst for action with participants successfully calling for action on a Canadian taxonomy, or classification, to identify economic activities the financial sector could label as “green” or “transition”, which was announced in the Fall Economic Statement.
Advocated for $330 million in federal funding
Sustainable Finance Forum attendees
members contributed to CCEDNet’s Policy Priorities
Regional & Strategic Initiatives
CED is all about local action. So, CCEDNet members often work together with staff and other partners at the local or provincial level to build the ecosystem of support for CED.
Effective CED is place based, and strengthens local ownership and control. Much of the community economy CED aims to build is deeply affected by local context and local government. So, CCEDNet members often work together with staff and other partners at the local or provincial level to build the ecosystem of support for CED. Over time, this has included building sub-networks like CCEDNet Manitoba or focusing on specific projects and research to build practice in one area.
CCEDNet Manitoba
The Manitoba regional network of the Canadian CED Network is a robust and dynamic membership organization, with a network made up of organizations working on economic, social, and environmental change in Manitoba. This includes non-profit community-based organizations, social enterprises, and cooperatives. CCEDNet Manitoba takes action at local and provincial levels and supports Manitoba members towards CCEDNet’s vision of sustainable, equitable, and inclusive communities directing their own futures.
The Manitoba Network:
- Builds Strength: Increasing the capacity of community organizations to do their own work well.
- Builds Knowledge: Sharing practices, models, and stories that articulate CED approaches and strategies.
- Builds Connection: Weaving connections between members and communities toward a more developed CED ecosystem and toward our vision.
- Builds Power: Advancing our vision and collective voice for change through public policy advocacy, government relations, and coalition building.
CCEDNet Manitoba’s Network Weaving program builds connection and power in community organizations and social enterprises through convening stakeholders and leaders and representing sector interests through government relations.
CCEDNet members and connected organizations are part of a web that makes our communities stronger. And CCEDNet staff make weaving that web easier for organizations. We provide the backbone so that they can show up, connect, and together lead the way for change. This includes member meetings, casual meet-ups and the annual CCEDNet MB Policy Summit.
new MB members
growth in members since 2021
members participated in Policy Summit
workshop participants
Gathering participants
CCEDNet Manitoba’s Spark program matches organizations working on critical issues in Winnipeg with people wanting to donate their professional skills for social good. As one of the three programs of CCEDNet Manitoba, Spark has a wide-angle or 360 degree view of the sector. This helps us to connect new initiatives or ideas to relevant people and organizations, in order to maximize their impact and avoid duplication or dilution of existing resources and organizations.
In 2023, Spark met with 55 Winnipeg-based community development organizations to help them problem solve and build connections and power.
The Spark program made 58 specific referrals in 2023, including 8 social enterprise referrals.
Every year CCEDNet Manitoba’s Spark program also presents the Spark Outstanding Pro Bono Award at the Volunteer Manitoba Volunteer Awards Gala.
meetings with community development organizations
total referrals
social enterprise referrals
AB Seed (Alberta Social Economy Ecosystem Development) was a locally-led initiative focused on building the social economy ecosystem in Alberta by enhancing collaboration, communication, and strategization of leaders and contributors.
While local folks are firmly in the lead, CCEDNet has been proudly serving as the administrative partner for AB Seed since 2022 and on the steering committee since its inception in 2019. Activities have included building Namada, hosting numerous events including in-person hubs for the Social Enterprise World Forum, facilitating communities of practice, supporting social procurement in Alberta, advising on local roll-out of the Investment Readiness Program, as well as a design cafe to identify and support emergent ecosystem building initiatives.
In 2023, AB Seed worked with Alberta Social Innovation Connect (ABSI Connect) to sunset both former initiatives and launch Flourish Alberta – a powerful united collaborative that will amplify courageous actions in Alberta for equitable prosperity. Work to develop the new initiative is ongoing. You can read more about the integration process and watch this site for the formal launch of Flourish Alberta later in 2024.
partnerships established with ecosystem-builders in BC, SK, ON, QC, the Atlantic, and NFLD & LB
in funds distributed to partners to support regional ecosystem-building
applications to become a regional partner
Funded by the Government of Canada, the Investment Readiness Program (IRP) was a $50 million grants and contributions program designed to support social purpose organizations (SPO’s) as they contribute to solving pressing social, cultural and environmental challenges across Canada.
CCEDNet was the convener of program partners, host of, and delivered the Awareness Raising Fund. There are ecosystem building partners who raise awareness, develop expert services, conduct research, and consider how diverse demographics can get connected to this field. And, there are the ‘readiness support partners’ who disburse IRP funding to Social Purpose Organizations. They came together in lunch & learns and partner convenings to share learning and build relationships towards collaboration.
The Awareness Raising Fund provided support to 7 additional partners aimed at filling gaps in representation. While the program ended in March 2024, continues to be a great source of information about the program with stories about partners and SPO’s developing their investment readiness as well as program reports, results, and analysis that can build the social finance marketplace in Canada.
distributed to 7 partners
newsletter reach growth
Learning & Innovation
The Canadian CED Network advances its mission and Theory of Change through a suite of learning, capacity building, research, and innovation projects.
The projects inform and advance strategic practices that can have transformative potential for communities throughout Canada. In 2023 staff and members of the Canadian CED Network led and engaged in the following projects and activities.
CreateAction provides paid-work experiences and career-relevant learning opportunities for young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET) and who are facing systemic barriers to employment. The main goals of the program are to promote pathways to meaningful employment and to improve youth wellbeing, while also helping employers create more inclusive workplaces.
The CreateAction program is a collaboration between CCEDNet, the National Association of Friendship Centres, and Social Research and Demonstration Corporation with funding from Employment and Social Development Canada.
In 2023, CreateAction continued to provide holistic support for both employers and youth to learn and grow. In Learning Sessions, facilitators from organizations such as Mentor Canada and Circles for Reconciliation help participants pursue professional and personal development goals, while Youth Circles offer a weekly digital drop-in space for participants to connect and build community. Also, in 2023, CreateAction also established the Storytelling Lab, which empowered both current and previous youth participants to tell their own authentic stories.
youth participants since 2021, 75 of whom identify as Indigenous
employers, representing all provinces and territories except for Yukon
of youth are interested in continuing to be involved in the CED and/or Friendship Centre movements
of youth felt they had gained and/or improved skills as a result of their work placement
of employers agreed that CreateAction contributed to increasing their capacity to hire and support youth with social and employment barriers
registrants from 50+ countries worldwide in STARCAP’s MOOC, Towards Co-operative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous Century
active climate action initiatives across 7 community partner organizations formed
Designed to help social purpose leaders, managers, teams and organizations build resilience and navigate organizational challenge, opportunity and change successfully, CCEDNet’s Community Leadership Program (CLP) aims to support the invaluable people and organizations working on social and environmental missions within our local communities.
In partnership with the Social Enterprise Academy, and several global hubs, CCEDNet is the Canadian hub offering transformational and internationally accredited leadership programs that build internal capacity and empower change makers in communities “because a world in transformation needs transformational leaders”.
In 2023, while continuing to deliver the highly regarded 6-day Developing Your Leadership Program, CCEDNet launched the new 2-day Navigating Change For Leaders Program as a response to the consistent need of strategic change management reported in the sector.
2023 also marked the return of in-person delivery across Canada. Delivered by phenomenal leadership facilitators, the programs are now available online, in-person, through open-enrollment and customized curriculum for organizations.
organizations who have enrolled their teams and staff in CCEDNet’s Leadership Programs
of learners said they would recommend CCEDNet’s Leadership Programs to a friend or colleague
of learners indicated CCEDNet’s Leadership Programs were very effective in helping them apply the learning in their day-today leadership role
of learners were able to apply components of CCEDNet’s Leadership Programs to their roles prior to completing the programs
member organizations
of Canadian pop. covered by existing community data consortia
data products available from catalogue
active users
annual downloads
Impact Measurement Programming

Most social purpose organizations in Canada face similar challenges around advancing their missions. To enhance stakeholder engagement, access funding, and continuously improve operations, organizations need effective impact measurement strategies.
In 2023, CCEDNet continued to play an active role in Adopting Common Measures, a national three-year project that aims to support social purpose organizations as they measure and track their impact towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This work, funded by the Government of Canada, is led by the Social Innovation Canada, in partnership with the CCEDNet and the Common Approach to Impact Measurement.
In 2023, we also laid the groundwork for the future launch of a Measuring Social Impact pilot program, a highly interactive two-day virtual course where participants explore and apply different impact measurement tools and methodologies.
participants in Adopting Common Measures Community of Practice (CoP)
CoP participants report increased confidence in their capacity for impact measurement
of participants have successfully applied their acquired knowledge within their workplaces
members on the Intersectional Advisory Committee
participating rural communities
Membership & Communications
Membership and communications are core components of the Canadian CED Network. Our members are engaged in the real work of building local economies that strengthen communities and benefit everyone.
The Canadian CED Network is a channel through which members can contribute to a broader social movement for economic change by participating and/or partnering in our projects, learning initiatives, communities of practice and policy development and advocacy. Simultaneously, our communications seek to support and uplift the important work of our members and our shared vision for sustainable, equitable, and inclusive communities directing their own futures.
In 2023 we completed our second annual member survey. The survey is an important tool for gathering data to measure our network’s advancement towards achieving the outcomes outlined in our Theory of Change. Our members’ responses also help us to better understand their needs and whether the efforts in our various strategy areas are providing value to our members.
In June we held our 24th AGM online, following 10 years of success in virtual hosting of this annual event. Following the AGM we celebrated the recipients of the 2023 Stronger Together Awards. Congratulations to Quint Development Corporation, Alterna Savings, and Green Action Centre!
Members also appreciated receiving our quarterly bilingual Member Communiqué, which includes policy, program and Theory of Change updates, funding opportunities, network highlights, member spotlights, and announcements.
In addition to all of this activity, the Engagement Team regularly engages in conversations with new members to get a better understanding of how they might be able to benefit from their membership and contribute to the broader mission of the network.
new members welcomed in 2023
member participants at CCEDNet Learning Events
66 %
of surveyed members made connections with other members that led to information sharing, learning or the exchange of resources
42 %
of surveyed members said they were able to access tools, services or resources they couldn’t otherwise, because of CCEDNet
86 %
of surveyed members consider themselves to co-create in partnership with people with diverse lived experiences
average sessions per quarter
average reach of social media platforms
newsletter subscribers
open rate for our newsletters
People & Culture
In 2023 CCEDNet took intentional steps to shift from traditional HR to People and Culture in order to foster a more holistic approach to employee well-being.
To give employees the opportunity to influence the policies that impact them, we established a Policy Review Committee. In 2023, the committee made recommendations that lead to the adoption of new policies including Learning and Growth, Compassionate Leave, and Personal Time Off policies.
We also shifted from an annual performance review process to a Performance Dialogue which occurs three times a year. This process has reduced stress in both the employee and the supervisor.
This year our internal anti-oppression and co-liberation journey continued with support from Shagufta Pasta (Seriously Planning) and Aslam Bulbulia (Shura Consulting and Engagement). Staff received Deep Democracy training, which was a helpful resource in holding team check-ins, facilitating meetings and holding group discussions. Team coaching was offered as an opportunity to apply equity principles to a specific case study and often involved reviewing and providing feedback on related work products. Individual coaching was also made available to employees and offered an opportunity for staff to reflect on their work, their personal development and develop strategies to calm their nervous systems.
We are also currently reviewing and implementing changes to our policies and procedures following recommendations we received from consultants Tristan Smyth (Warshield) and Sarah Juma (Innovate Inclusion) who completed a DEI audit for us.
new, updated or drafted policies
staff on policy review committee
Deep Democracy training sessions