Author: Laurie Cook

On October 24, 2018, Winnipeggers will go to the polls to elect a mayor, city council, and school trustees. Our city, like many in Canada, continues to face high poverty…

           Manitoba Learns workshops and capacity building opportunities seek to build knowledge within the core community organizations and social economy enterprises in our sector, by equipping individuals with…

Interested in exploring the development of an employment social enterprise idea? This fall, TEF will host an ESE Idea Accelerator, a program that will support individuals and organizations developing early-stage…

Today, the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development and the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, announced the release of Inclusive Innovation:…

Starting a social enterprise? Embedding social values into an existing business? Creating a sustainable model for your non-profit? Give yourself the best chance of success by immersing yourself in the…

Canada is a prosperous country, yet in 2015 roughly 1 in 8 Canadians lived in poverty. The vision of Opportunity for All – Canada’s First Poverty Reduction Strategy is a…

At the last meeting of CCEDNet’s Board of Directors, Laurie Cook was selected as the new President of the Board.  She takes over from Ryan Gibson, who had been President…

Can I just say that I am thrilled to be co-hosting EconoUs2018 with CCEDNet?  The thrill is for two reasons… The first reason is that, in my world, which is…

The Government of the United Kingdom has launched their first Civil Society Strategy in 15 years. The Strategy will build stronger communities by bringing together businesses, charities and the public sector, the Government…

The Canadian CED Network’s Policy Council submitted a response to the federal government’s invitation for pre-budget submissions for the 2019 Federal Budget.  This year, the House of Commons Standing Committee on…

The Manitoba Government has launched a Community Support Small Grant Program to provide funds for Manitoba’s non-profit and community-led organizations around the following key program objectives: Build capacity within community…

So a friend just shared an article with me about something called Localism. It’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about these days. It’s a huge part of an organization I’ve mentioned before that…