Great news: you are now able to submit CED-related events, toolbox resources (e.g. research reports, case studies, books, videos, etc.), blog posts, and jobs directly to the CCEDNet website to be viewed by thousands of of people from across Canada and beyond!

To get started, all you need to do is sign in; then click on “Post Content” under the User Menu at the top of the right column on the website. 

When posting, please to follow the guidelines below to submit a tool, event, job or blog.

Submit a blog post!To date, blog post topics have included:

  • Personal reflections on the CED sector
  • Highlights and summaries of events attended
  • Interviews with CCEDNet members or sector supporters, and
  • Commentary on recent policy changes or other announcements.

These articles should conclude with the author’s brief biography and photo at the bottom.

Submit resources to the CCEDNet toolboxTools should be related to CED or the social economy:

  • Original documents (preferably PDF)
  • CED toolbox entries should include:
  • An image (right-aligned)
  • Description of the tool
  • Brief summary of the author or organization that produced the tool
  • Link to the website where the tool was originally posted
  • The table of contents should be posted when available

Submit your events to our online calendar!Events should be related to CED or the social economy

  • For virtual events (webinars, teleconferences), all regional boxes need to be checked on the post.
  • Event postings should include:
  • An image (right-aligned)
  • Start and end date
  • Event description
  • Information on how to register
  • Link to the website where the event was originally posted

Advertise your job openings!Job postings on CCEDNet’s website should include:

  • Description of the position
  • Description of the organization
  • Reasonable deadline date
  • How to apply
  • Link to the organization’s website

The Local Economy SolutionServing as mayor provides one with an array of opportunities to demean oneself on a regular basis—funny hats and dunk tanks tend to be involved. However, for me, and for most of the mayors I know, the lowest moments occur in the grandest corporate offices during economic development ‘recruitment’ trips. After schlepping the best and brightest ambassadors from our city to visit the target company, a mayor is given 30 minutes to make their pitch that the company will be happier, more productive, and profitable in their community. A PowerPoint presentation is given focusing on the quality of the schools, the vibrant culture, the ready and able workforce and, of course, how the city is “business friendly.” The mayor wraps up with an impassioned entreaty that a good community could be made great if that company would move their offices to town.

The company’s senior vice president of real estate then offers his thanks and notes that your hometown is indeed a wonderful place, but is deficient in the following ways: access to transportation, high cost of housing, proximity to suppliers, or some combination thereof. He then notes that another city, which happens to possess all of these necessary attributes, was just in last week. They have offered a very attractive package of tax breaks and public investments that this mayor would need to beat in order to stay competitive.

Now that the competition and egos between mayors (who are by definition hypercompetitive) are properly stoked, a bidding war ensues and good economic analysis and public policy quickly fall by the wayside. In the end, the company moves to the community it was probably going to move to anyway, but with a generous combination of tax breaks and subsidies that justify the senior Vice President’s salary.

For a generation, Michael Shuman has been a lonely voice arguing against these kinds of deals. In an attempt to bring reason and thoughtfulness to the politics of economic development, he has focused on commonsense economics. His new book, The Local Economy Solution: How Innovative, Self-Financing “Pollinator” Enterprises can Grow Jobs and Prosperity (Chelsea Green, 2015) reiterates the core arguments of his previous works: first, most businesses in the United States are local. Second, local businesses are engines of growth and much more likely to create jobs than large companies. So, cities and states should stop trying to lure huge corporations from one jurisdiction to another and should instead invest in the local businesses that are likely to stay, create jobs, and support the local economy. Shuman was local before local was cool.

Shuman effectively highlights the madness of the traditional and expensive economic development approach. He starts with Maryland paying the producers of the Netflix series House of Cards USD $26 million to film the show in Annapolis, even though the city is disguised as Washington, DC. The filming creates 5,900 mostly part-time jobs, which means that the state is paying USD $4,400 per position per year in the best-case scenario, because not all the jobs go to Marylanders who are underwriting this bill with their tax dollars.

Maryland looks good in comparison to some of the other jurisdictions highlighted by Shuman. Sarasota, Florida offered a Danish pharmaceutical company USD $137 million in incentives to create a mere 191 jobs— and lost to a county in North Carolina. As Shuman points out, USD $137 million invested in bonds at five percent would generate USD $38,000 annually in perpetuity for every Sarasotian.

These examples are shocking, but it is the aggregate impact that is the most troubling. As governments spend billions to steal businesses from one locality to another, Shuman’s point becomes very clear: “Economic development today is creating almost no jobs whatsoever…[and it] constitute[s] a net drag on the economy.” Thankfully, his solution to invest more locally is gaining traction with policymakers, even as some high profile governors—now Presidential candidates—continue to buy commercials in other states offering relocation services.

Michigan Municipal League

Shuman argues that cities should abandon large corporations in favor of investing in local businesses and fueling local economies. In Ann Arbor, Michigan, the city leverages community and cultural events to boost local businesses

Unfortunately, investing locally is easier said than done. Economies have grown more complex and globalized. Is it better to buy a table made in Malaysia from your local furniture store or from an Etsy artisan 500 miles away? How does, or how should, a community support a business that exports its products globally? Should we consider the nearby publicly traded company part of the local economy, or part of theWall Street economy?

Shuman attempts to create a framework for these kinds of decisions through his six “Ps” of local economic development : Planning (understanding opportunities for local businesses to meet local needs); Purchasing (buy local); People (training local entrepreneurs and employees); Partnership (collaborations of local businesses); Purse (mobilizing local capital); and Public Policy (leveling the regulatory playing field for local businesses).

From his years consulting with communities and working with and for BALLE (the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies), Shuman offers some interesting direction for these local efforts: they must be self-sustaining and not reliant on grants and goodwill. This is an important point that he reiterates throughout the book, but it also makes for dispiriting reading: a job creator in Appalachia is creating hundreds of jobs at a cost of just USD $500, only to see his funding run out: a successful local coupon book loses popularity; an innovative government administrator tires of fighting with his Chamber of Commerce and takes a job at a public market.

One must give Shuman credit for pointing out the realities of local economies—they are unique, messy, and reliant on a few key leaders, which is not a good combination when competing against relentless and focused mega-corporations and their lobbyists. However, Shuman offers dozens of potential solutions, such as youth entrepreneurship schools, local debit cards, maker spaces, and coordinated local farmer delivery services. With all of these possible solutions, a community should be able to find a strategy or two that will move the needle.

Small is (or at least has the potential to be) big. Shuman quotes an innovative Melbourne-based developer who argues, “Economic development needs a paradigm shift. It needs to embrace deeper democracy, deeper engagement. It’s not just about economics of money, but cultural economics and human economics. It should be a transformative process, connecting head, heart and hand…we can’t forget the joy and celebration.”

Richard Florida, an economist and best-selling author, has similarly argued that, “For perhaps the first time in human history, the further progress of our economy is inextricably tied up with the further development of our essential humanity.” This is no easy task. Shuman has proven that our current approach is damaging to both our economy and to humanity. With hundreds of cities and local businesses charting their own path and experimenting with how to align capital and community values, perhaps there is some hope for vibrant local economies and maybe even for mayors limiting their public humiliation to silly hats instead of the costly service of corporate greed.

Originally published in The Solutions Journal, Volume 6, Issue 4 (November 2015)

Buy The Local Economy Solution

Ryan CoonertyRyan Coonerty is a Supervisor for Santa Cruz County in California and a two-time former Mayor of the City of Santa Cruz. He is the cofounder of NextSpace Coworking + Innovation, a lecturer on law and government at UC Santa Cruz, and co-author of The Rise of the Naked Economy – How to Benefit from the Changing Workplace (Macmillan, 2013). He also wrote Etched in Stone – Enduring Words from our National Monuments (National Geographic, 2007). Ryan was selected by the Aspen Institute to be a Rodel Fellow in Public Leadership as one of “the nation’s most promising young elected officials.”


As part of our annual review, we would like to profile the many contributions — big and small — made by CCEDNet members over the last year to building stronger Canadian communities.

Please share your top highlight or accomplishment from 2015 (Try to keep it to a short quote of 25 words). 



Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the FewI admit that I have been on both sides of the debate about the definition of social enterprise: sometimes staunchly defending it as critical and essential, and at others times avoiding it as not pertinent and a waste of our time.

But now I realize it is important that we do define social enterprise. Because the argument is not about the meaning of social enterprise itself, it is not just about describing an alternative business model. Defining social enterprise is all about determining the values of the marketplace we wish to create.

In his new book Robert Reich, Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few helped me focus on the social enterprise debate. He argues that “The central choice is not between the “free market” and government; it is between a market organized for broadly based prosperity and one designed to deliver almost all the gains to a few at the top.” His goal to adjust the prosperity gap is great, but his method that if we change the rules, and let government direct the market then we can level the playing field, falls short.

Taxing the wealthy, limiting the power of banks, establishing a living wage, annual guaranteed incomes, and many other schemes for adjusting the current wealth distribution through government interventions are all valuable objectives, in the short term. But only using government rules and regulations to adjust the controls and influence the current private-wealth focused market will not offer an enduring solution.

Building a social value into the marketplace requires establishing the foundations of a business model that exemplifies a social impact principle. So insuring that the definition and measurement of social enterprise success includes both social impact and capital re-investment becomes emblematic of a dramatic shift in why and how we trade; and implicitly directs a social value result into our marketplace transactions.

Relying on government rule changes or letting any ‘good’ business be a social enterprise is just tweaking the underlying values the current marketplace. And in the long term, just tweaking the wealth-driven marketplace of capitalism will do as much good as assuring that the food banks are all well stocked!

To substantially and permanently address issues of poverty, social exclusion, and employment challenges requires adjusting the value base of the market itself.

We have to decide– will we regulate morality in a market that is based on trading in the pursuit of private wealth or use social enterprise to stimulate and fashion a market that creates a healthy local economy?

Originally published December 2, 2015 on

David LePageDavid LePage is a Principal with Accelerating Social Impact CCC, Ltd. (ASI), one of Canada’s first ever hybrid corporations. ASI CCC was created to serve and promote the emerging blended value business and social finance sectors. David works as a consultant, trainer and advisor with a cross section of social enterprises, social purpose businesses and social impact investors. He is a founder of Buy Social Canada, an initiative to promote social purchasing and social enterprise certification.

David is the Chair of the Social Enterprise Council of Canada. He serves as a Program Adjunct to the Sandermoen School of Business MBA in Social Enterprise Leadership. He is a member of the Social Enterprise World Forum Steering Group, the Canadian CED Network’s Policy Council, Imagine Canada’s Advisory Committee, and the BC Partners for Social Impact. He is also a Board member of the Vancouver Farmer’s Market and a Board member of Ethelo Decisions. David is the former Team Manager of enp-BC and played a lead role in the development of enp-Canada.


Annual Wild Blueberry Pancake BreakfastFollowing on the heels of the November 16 throne speech, Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger made an announcement this morning at the annual LITE Wild Blueberry Pancake Breakfast that builds on a number of CCEDNet MB’s policy resolutions.

  • LITE, Local Investment Toward Employment, will receive new three year funding from the Province for the Social Purchasing Portal (SPP). This supports recommendations in the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy (MSES) to identify, promote and expand private market purchasing from social enterprises. The SPP will increase the impact of social purchases, and keep the investment in our communities.  (2014.6 Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy)
  • Targets and Timelines for Poverty Reduction were served up at the breakfast as a commitment by the Premier. The government has already committed to some targets and timelines Make Poverty History Manitoba and other community groups have brought forward as priorities, such as 12,000 new child care spaces and 500 social and 500 affordable housing units. Government has now also committed to work collaboratively with community members, between sectors and governments to set additional realistic targets and timelines to enhance poverty reduction efforts in Manitoba. (2015.4 Poverty Reduction Plan and Legislation)
  • All Aboard Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Plan- The 2014/15 Annual Report was released on November 26 and speaks to a number of CCEDNet member priority areas.

Establishing measurable targets and accountability are welcome steps forward toward more meaningful poverty reduction efforts in Manitoba. We look forward to continued work realizing this commitment to strong targets to improve the lives of Manitobans most affected by poverty.

Congratulations to LITE for hosting a wonderful community event in support of the Alternative Christmas Hamper and we look forward to the expanded scope on the SPP. 

The news release can be found here.


North American Social Solidarity Economy ForumThroughout the world people are building ‘another world’ – one that seeks to be in harmony with each other and with the earth.

The social solidarity economy is a movement and a framework that connects these ways of living, working, playing, creating and dreaming in order to fundamentally transform our social and economic world.

Come learn, share, debate, perform, live and experience the social solidarity economy.

Eventbrite Registration and Workshop Submissions are now open. We look forward to hearing from you. If possible, we ask that you go through Eventbrite.

However, if you prefer to download a hardcopy of these forms, please visit the Registration and Workshop Submission webpage.

Please spread the word!

Learn more about the North American Social Solidarity Economy Forum webpage

Thank you – From the SSE Forum Coordinating Committee
  • RIPESS-North America (Intercontinental SSE Network-NA)
    • US Solidarity Economy Network
    • CCEDNet (Canadian Community Economic Development Network)
    • Chantier d’économie sociale
  • Democracy Collaborative
  • New Economy Coalition
  • Common Enterprise Development Corporation
  • James and Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership
  • Center for Community Based Enterprise
  • East Michigan Environmental Action Council
  • Conscious Community Cooperative

The Canadian CED Network and the Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation (CEDEC), are inviting workshop proposals for Canada’s leading national community economic development conference.

Date: May 18-20, 2016
Location: Hotel Bonaventure, Montréal, QC
Participants Expected: 400
Profile of Participants: CED and social economy practitioners, representatives from community, business, government, charitable and education sectors and academics
Deadline for Proposals: December 4, 2015

This year, conference organizers are inviting proposals specifically for three conference streams: Workforce Development, Community-Based Enterprises, and Community Development.

Within those three streams, sessions that address the following cross-cutting themes are also encouraged: Finance, Policy, Youth, Diversity & Inclusion, Arts & Culture, Technology, Climate Justice and the Environment, Rural and Remote Realities, Evaluating Impact and Complexity and Systems Thinking for Communities.

Workshop presenters will receive 50% off full registration to ECONOUS2016 or a free registration for the day of their session.


Please complete the on-line proposal

Background to the 2016 National CED Conference

ECONOUS2016 builds on the long history of successful national CED conferences organized by CCEDNet and partners across the country between 2001 and 2010.

The conference will feature leading speakers, engaging sessions and tailored networking opportunities on the latest innovations in community enterprise, workforce development, and local economies that are creating sustainable prosperity for all. 

In particular, ECONOUS2016 will:

  • Create new and strengthens existing relationships among community leaders who share similar challenges, concerns, goals and values;
  • Promote new ideas, resources and strategies to strengthen CED efforts
  • Contribute to skills development, capacity building, networking and information sharing among CED practitioners and stakeholders;
  • Attract new people to the movement and reinforces the commitment of existing members to the approaches and values promoted by CED
  • Provide opportunities for learning and dialogue on the diversity of approaches and models led by urban, rural, aboriginal, linguistic and cultural minorities, and northern communities to meet their needs;
  • Advance a pan-Canadian policy agenda to strengthen communities by support to and investment in CED;

This is an opportunity for people to connect, learn, and celebrate together. More than 3200 people have attended this event over the past 13 years in 7 conferences. This year, we expect to have 400 attendees from across the country including CED and social economy practitioners, representatives from community, business, government, charitable and education sectors and academics. There will be a wide range of workshops, optional site visits, networking opportunities, and social activities. All plenary sessions and keynote addresses will have simultaneous translation into French and English, as well selected workshops in each time slot. Additional workshops will be offered in both official languages.

We hope that you can join us in beautiful Montréal!

About the Call for Proposals

The call for proposals is structured based on the program and streams being offered. There are 3 workshop streams that will be filled through this call for proposals. Proposals for topics outside of these streams will also be considered.

Streams that will be filled through the Call for Proposals:

  • Workforce Development: To ensure that Quebec and Canada has the necessary talent and capacity in place to thrive and prosper, now more then ever strategic partnerships are being forged between communities, government, educational insitutions and service providers to address workforce development issues and opportunities. Connecting local people to employment opportunities and providing required supports for labour market success is key to inclusive development. What innovative practices can help meet Canada’s labour market needs and connect job seekers to employment while ensuring they have the skills required to get and keep their jobs? Topics of interest include workforce development planning, labour mobility, seasonal workers, mature workers, skills mismatch, workplace and essential skills and linguistic minority communities and disadvantaged groups.
  • Community-Based Enterprises: Locally-rooted businesses are essential to a thriving community economy. What kind of business development support, finance capital, and demand strategies can help businesses to flourish? What are the challenges faced by collective and blended-value enterprises (such as co-ops and social enterprises), and how can these be solved?
  • Community Development: The starting and end point of CED is the well-being of people in a place. The dynamic process of community engagement, capacity building, learning and renewal is constantly evolving. The role of governments in supporting community efforts is also shifting. From the tried-and-true basics to the latest thinking, what strategies and approaches are creating vibrant and prosperous communities today?

Cross-Cutting Themes and Session Format

Within those three streams, sessions that address the following cross-cutting themes are also encouraged: Finance, Policy, Youth, Diversity & Inclusion, Arts & Culture, Technology, Climate Justice and the Environment, Rural and Remote Realities, Evaluating Impact and Complexity and Systems Thinking for Communities.

Workshops must include participatory design elements, using formats such as small group discussion, simulations, practice sessions, tool application, case studies, or success/failure stories among participants. Presenters will be asked to identify the level of their workshops as introductory, intermediate or advanced to help participants select appropriate workshop levels according to their needs. All workshops are 1.5 hours (90 minutes) long.

Diverse voices: ECONOUS2016 encourages proposals from diverse groups including (but not limited to) Indigenous peoples, youth (up to 30 years old), visible and linguistic minorities, people with disabilities, immigrants and refugees.

Selection of Proposals

Proposals will be reviewed by a Program Committee which will make recommendations based on the topic’s relevance, results being achieved, diversity of presenters, and attention to learning styles in workshop structure The final program selection will be made by the National Conference Planning Committee. A final program that offers a balance of formats, diverse representation and topics will be sought.

Please note: Even though a workshop proposal may satisfy conference criteria, it may not be selected due to the limited number of scheduled workshops.

If you have any questions about your proposal, you can contact Matthew Thompson, CCEDNet’s Communications Manager, at mthompson at

Please complete the on-line proposal


Happy Holidays from CCEDNet!
CED Holiday Buying & Giving Guide 2015

Do a Great Deal - Buy SocialAre you spreading the holiday cheer this year? This guide is designed to help extend the reach of that cheer through encouraging thoughtful buying and giving.

We have compiled some creative gift ideas and shopping guides to provide you with the tools and information you need to have a CED-filled holiday season. See anything missing from this list? We will be adding more tips between now and Christmas so don’t hesitate to send your additions to communications at

This Holiday, Buy Social

Use the Social Enterprise Marketplace to Find Gifts from Social Enteprises
Interested in buying from social enterprises this holiday season? Check out this online marketplace from the Social Enterprise Canada to research social enterprises by name, industry, location and/or the social purpose they achieve. [more]

Social Enterprise Holiday Gift Ideas from
This holiday season why not make a purchase that won’t just make the receiver happy, but will also benefit Ontario, and your local community? Throughout the month of December SEontario will be showcasing different Social Enterprises [SE], and SE Marketplaces that you can purchase your holiday gifts from. [more]

Join the Social Purchasing Portal’s Holiday Shopping Bus Tour in WinnipegSPP Holiday Shopping Tour
Find unique gifts for the holidays and make a difference with your dollar! Join this shopping tour of Winnipeg and be part of the movement to support the local economy [more]

Co-operative Gift Bundle
Buying gifts for the holidays can be an ethical statement that helps build a new economy. The Toolbox for Education and Social Action put together their most popular items with the best—and most delicious—gifts produced by the co-op movement. [more]

This Holiday, Buy Local

Get the Facts on Shopping Local for the Holidays
To illustrate the ways that local businesses are growing in popularity, delivering stronger economic returns, and expanding in numbers, the Advocates for Independent Business, a coalition of 14 groups coordinated by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, put together this infographic. [more]

Infographic: 12 Reasons to Give the Gift of Local This Holiday Season
Of course, shopping at local, independent businesses is an important way to strengthen local economies. The folks at Local First Toronto have prepared a poster with 12 Reasons to Give the Gift of Local This Holiday Season [more]

BC Buy Local Week 2015 – November 30-December 6, 2015
LOCO BC’s annual Buy Local Week falls on the first week of December – what better time to buy your local Christmas gifts! The BC Buy Local campaign makes BC-based businesses, products, food and wines more visible to consumers. [more]

“Both the Buy Local campaign and Buy It Forward encourage people to think about how they can vote for the communities and the province that they want by spending money a little differently.” [more]


Proposals are now being accepted to host the 2017 National CED Conference!  Any CCEDNet members and partners interested in hosting the 2017 conference are invited to submit a proposal. 


Host selection criteria

  1. Capacity to organise a major bilingual national event
  2. Local mobilization potential
  3. Resources that can be leveraged for the event

Information required in the proposal

  1. Proposed conference title and theme(s)
  2. Reasons for interest
  3. Demonstrate your experience and capacity to organize a major bilingual event
  4. Positive impacts for the community and region
  5. Local partners/mobilization strategy
  6. Resources committed or anticipated, including in-kind organizing capacity by hosts and partners, as well as cash contributions by conference sponsors and funders
  7. Local initiatives/innovations to showcase
  8. Recommended venues able to accommodate up to 400 participants and 12 breakout sessions.

A supplementary document with background information on previous conferences and typical responsibilities of CCEDNet and host partners is available upon request by emailing mthompson at

Completed proposals must be sent by January 15, 2016 to mthompson at

The successful host for the 2017 event will be announced at ECONOUS2016 in Montréal, May 18-20, 2016.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Matthew at the email above. 


Monique F. LerouxCo-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) congratulates Monique F. Leroux on her election as President of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). Ms. Leroux was nominated by CMC and her candidacy received the support of our members.

The election was held during the ICA Global Conference in Antalya, Turkey, on November 13. Ms Leroux was elected to serve the remaining two-year mandate of outgoing President Dame Pauline Green who is retiring after six years of service to the co-operative movement. Ms. Leroux was elected from a competitive field of four candidates, the most ever to seek the position in the organizations 120-year history.

“The entire Canadian delegation joins me in congratulating Monique Leroux on her election. There was a great field of candidates for the ICA presidency and she should be very pleased with her victory” stated CMC President Jack Wilkinson upon hearing the results. “Canada has a long tradition of co-operative values and is a big supporter of the ICA. With Monique Leroux at the helm we have confidence that the ambitious goals of the Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade will be accomplished” concluded Mr. Wilkinson.

Monique F. Leroux served on the founding board of CMC with Jack Wilkinson in 2014 and was part of the team that negotiated the historic coming together of the Francophone and Anglophone national co-operative associations in Canada in 2013. Ms. Leroux is also the past President of Conseil québécois coopération et mutualité and under her leadership, co-operative and mutual networks in Quebec launched an integrated strategic plan for co-op development.

As President and CEO since 2008, Monique Leroux has championed the Desjardins Group and other Canadian co-operatives both nationally and internationally. Under Ms. Leroux’s leadership, Desjardins co-hosted the International Summit of Co-operatives in Quebec City in 2012 and 2014 with a 3rd Summit planned for 2016. As the largest financial co-operative group in Canada with one of the strongest balance sheets in the world, Desjardins ranks as the 5th largest financial co-operative according to the World Co-operative Monitor. Ms. Leroux will step down as head of the Desjardins Group in April 2016.

Monique Leroux is the first Canadian ever elected as President of the ICA. To learn more about Ms. Leroux’s plans and priorities, please read her full platform at  

About CMC: Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada is the national, bilingual association for co-operatives and mutuals in Canada. Through advocacy with the federal government, CMC provides a knowledgeable voice committed to improving the economic and regulatory environment for co-operatives and mutuals on behalf of our members. CMC’s members come from many sectors of the economy, including finance, insurance, agri-food and supply, wholesale and retail, housing, health, forestry, education, funeral services, public utilities and community development. CMC provides leadership to support, promote, and develop the co-operative economy in Canada. The co-operative and mutual movement in Canada counts more than 18 million memberships from approximately 9,000 co-operative and mutual enterprises.

SOURCE: Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada


The Canadian Worker Co-op Federation (CWCF) and the General Confederation of Cooperatives and participatory societies (CGSCOP) of France have signed an economic agreement between France and Canada, regarding shared knowledge and expertise in the worker cooperative movement.

The agreement, made by the two apex organizations representing worker cooperatives in Canada and in France, principally aims to increase the organisations’ expertise in accompanying business organizations for business succession to worker cooperatives.

“Employees, in many cases, are able to collectively buy the company that employs them, particularly in the event that an employer could not identify an external buyer. With support, employees can become coowners, co-investors and co-managers,” says Alain Bridault, President of CWCF.

France has a good head start on Quebec and the rest of Canada in this matter. Indeed, CGSCOP coordinates annually up to 50 business ownership transfers to employees as a “cooperative and participatory society” (“SCOP”), the equivalent of a worker co-op in Canada. “Without a doubt, the Canadian experience will increase our expertise. With this first agreement, we mutually commit to share the best practices we have observed and documented. We are certain that this transatlantic partnership will be collectively enriching”, said the President of the CGSCOP, Patrick Lenancker.

This form of ownership is far from being new in Canada. There have been several successful takeovers by the workers, one of the most impressive successes undoubtedly being the Quebec ambulance co-operatives with total turnover of over $90 million and representing 75% of the pre-hospital transportation in the province, with the exception of the city of Montreal. In Quebec, the cooperatives of the St-Hubert Rotisserie in Laval, radio stations M-105 Granby and CHNC in Gaspésie, as well as the Promo-Plastik cooperative in Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, and the Careforce Home care Cooperative in Nova Scotia are other shining examples.

“We have already proven many times that the social economy is a reliable and durable solution to financial insecurity. Now we need to concretely demonstrate to the population and to workers that worker co-ops are the business model of the future,” say both Bridault and Lenancker. They add: “This shared knowledge will help maintain thousands of jobs over the coming years.”

Le Réseau de la coopération du travail du Québec (Quebec Worker Co-op Network) will be one of the principal beneficiaries of this agreement, and agrees with CWCF and CGSCOP. “This agreement with France will allow us to extend our expertise by sharing practical methods and tools. Concretely, it will allow us to provide a more effective approach when supporting a business transitioning to being a worker cooperative in Quebec” adds Pierre Charette, President of the Réseau.

The agreement was signed simultaneously in Montreal and Paris via a video conference at the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Exports of Quebec in Montreal.

About the Canadian Worker Cooperative Federation
The CWCF’s mission is to strengthen our worker co-ops; support the development of new worker co-ops; represent the Canadian worker co-op movement in Canada and internationally, and strengthen the Federation. The Quebec federations of worker cooperatives, including le Réseau de la cooperation du travail du Québec, are also CWCF members to promote this model internationally.

About the General Confederation of cooperatives and participatory societies
CGSCOP aims to accompany the French cooperative societies of production in the stages of creation, takeover and business transformation. It represents the interests of its members in the various European jurisdictions.

In France, the term “SCOP” is used to describe a worker cooperative.

Source Canadian Federation of Worker Cooperatives and General Confederation of cooperatives
Information     Alexandre Banville
Cooperative communication Belvedere
abanville at
514 772-2984

CCEDNet Member MeetupsJoin us for virtual regional member meetups! This is an opportunity to connect with other CCEDNet members, Board members and staff in your region, discuss opportunities and challenges, and ask questions. New members are particularly welcome. Click on the links below to RSVP for your regional member meetup.

Atlantic Member Meetup | January 13th at 11am Atlantic Time

Northern Member Meetup | January 13th at 12pm Eastern Time

Ontario & Québec Member Meetup | January 13th at 2pm Eastern Time

Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Member Meetup | January 14th at 11am Central Time/10am Mountain Time

Francophone Member Meetup | January 14th at 10:30am (new time!)  Eastern Time

British Columbia Member Meetup | January 14th at 12:00pm Pacific Time

If you’d like to attend but can’t make the meeting for your region, or if you have any questions, please contact Matthew Thompson at mthompson at


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