Amendments made to regulations under the Small Business Investor Tax Credit Act

New Brunswick has changed regulations under the Small Business Investor Tax Credit Act to help small businesses access capital by allowing community economic development corporations and co-operative associations to participate in the Small Business Investor Tax Credit program.

“Creating jobs is one of our government’s key priorities,” said Finance Minister Roger Melanson. “The use of community economic development corporations is a new approach in New Brunswick and will encourage local investment throughout the province. The creation of these registered corporations provides more opportunities for New Brunswickers to invest in their own communities as well as in the people and the projects they know.”

The Small Business Investor Tax Credit provides access to equity financing for small businesses so they can grow, be competitive and create jobs.

“Everyone has a role to play in moving New Brunswick forward,” said Melanson. “We need to invest more in our people, our small businesses and our communities. These amendments are an important step to make that happen.”

Small Business Investor Tax Credit

The New Brunswick Small Business Investor Tax Credit provides a 50% (for investments made after April 1, 2015) non-refundable personal income tax credit of up to $125,000 per year (for investments of up to $250,000 per individual  investor) to eligible individual investors who invest in eligible small businesses, community economic development corporations in the province. For a corporation and trust eligible investor, the New Brunswick Small Business Investor Tax Credit provide a 15% non- refundable corporate income tax credit of up to $75,000 per year ( for investments of up to $500,000).

New Brunswick Community Economic Development Corporation CEDCIn the event that an investor cannot use the entire Small Business Investor Tax Credit amount in a given year, the tax credit can be carried forward seven years or back three years.

CCEDNet member the Co-operative Enterprise Council of New Brunswick has produced a simplified overview of the program – CEDC: Creating New Opportunities for Community Economic Development.  Contact them directly for more information. 

For More Information

Related CCEDNet News


Congratulations to BUILD, winner of the 2016 Social Enterprise Award

The winners of the 27th Annual Spirit of Winnipeg Awards were announced on March 4, 2016. The awards are focused on honoring, recognizing and bringing together the local Winnipeg business community and non-profit organizations. This year there were 24 finalists and a total of eight awards to be won, in the following categories:

  • Start-Up
  • Charity
  • Social Enterprise
  • Non-Profit
  • Small Business
  • Medium Business
  • Large Business
  • Environment

Assiniboine Credit Union For the second year in a row, Assiniboine Credit Union (CCEDNet Member) was proud to sponsor the social enterprise category. A social enterprise is a non-profit owned or operated business that creates social, environmental, or cultural value. The Chamber’s award focuses on social enterprises that aim to create training and employment opportunities for people with barriers to full employment. Jennifer Mullen-Berube, Executive Vice-President and Chief Brand & Innovation Officer at Assiniboine, presented the Social Enterprise Award to BUILD,  a local business that is having such an incredible impact on the lives of so many people in our community.BUILD Inc

BUILD (CCEDNet Member) is a social enterprise that operates out of the Social Enterprise Centre in Point Douglas, a hive of social entrepreneurship and social impact organizations that they own together with Manitoba Green Retrofit (CCEDNet Member) and Pollock’s Hardware Co-operative. BUILD retrofits homes with insulation and high-efficiency toilets, as well as water-and-energy-saving devices, while creating jobs and training opportunities for people with multiple barriers to employment. Manitoba Green RetrofitTheir work lowers utility bills, employs neighbourhood people, reduces crime, and decreases greenhouse gas emissions.

The other nominees and finalists from the social enterprise category also deserve our recognition and collective gratitude: Manitoba Green Retrofit partners with BUILD on many projects — all intended to create career ladders for the people they support; (CCEDNet Member) L’Arche Tova Café creates training and employment opportunities for people living with a disability while providing a gatheringL’Arche Tova Café place in the heart of their community.

As a credit union dedicated to values-based banking and a member of Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV), Assiniboine uses a business model that creates positive social impact. We are a strong supporter of social enterprises and congratulate all the nominees for their wonderful contribution to our communities.

See the list of all 2016 Spirit of Winnipeg Award winners

BUILD’s Acceptance Speech

UBCM 2015 - Cumberland, B.C. is Canada’s First, Buy Social Certified Municipality

Above L to R: Comox Valley MLA Don McRae, Councillors Jesse Ketler & Sean Sullivan, Minister Stilwell, Mayor Baird, Social Procurement Consultant Sandra Hamilton, David LePage, Buy Social Canada

Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps and Cumberland Mayor Leslie Baird today announced City of Victoria support for a ‘Social Procurement Resolution’ being presented by Cumberland Councillor Ketler at the 2016 AVICC conference in Nanaimo next month.

With billions in stimulus spending about to flow this is most timely and interest in Social Procurement and Community Benefit Agreements is on the rise. Last November, Prime Minister Trudeau specifically included Social Procurement in his mandate letter to Federal Procurement Minister Foote, communicating the need to modernize Public Sector Procurement and signaling a new era for the advancement for Social Innovation and Social Procurement across Canada.

“I see Social Procurement as a new approach to economic development,” said Mayor Helps. “Public sector spending represents a very large portion of Vancouver Island’s economy. How we spend matters. It can either enhance or diminish economic and social value in our communities.”

Cumberland’s Mayor Baird agrees “Harnessing the power of Social Procurement is important to Vancouver Island’s economy and the Village of Cumberland is proud to be Canada’s first Buy Social™ certified municipality.”

Victoria, Ladysmith, Campbell River, Powell River and other early adopter municipalities across Canada are already exploring how Social Procurement might enhance their own communities.

What is Social Procurement?

Social Procurement seeks to better leverage existing taxpayer spend to achieve positive socioeconomic outcomes.” It’s about moving beyond the Do no harm of the environmental movement to pro-actively leveraging tax dollars to Do some good’” said Sandra Hamilton, a leading authority on the topic who has authored the first municipal Social Procurement framework in both BC and Alberta.

“It’s about beng more strategic; about aligning public procurement with community values and objectives”, says Hamilton. “Where one community might focus on supply chain diversification to improve small business access to public sector contracts, another might focus on generating employment for disadvantaged groups.

At the Vancouver 2010 Olympics the floral contract was awarded to a company that, throughout the course of the contract, proposed training women from the downtown eastside to be florists. “By changing a few words in a contract, Social Procurement is literally changing lives” says Hamilton, former Business Manager to Vancouver 2010 Olympic CEO John Furlong.

Social Procurement is legislated across Europe. In Ontario and in Quebec ‘Community Benefits Agreements’ (CBA’s) are already being included in public sector infrastructure contracts.

CBA’s often include requirements for apprenticeship training, jobs for disadvantaged populations or for the improvement of public space within the community. CBA’s work on the basis that public sector infrastructure planning and investment should also improve the wellbeing of a community affected by the project.

Sandra Hamilton speaks on the topic of Social Procurement as a New Approach to Economic Development, 3pm, April 9th at the 2016 AVICC Conference in Nanaimo.

For more information contact:

Sandra Hamilton
Sandra at         
Office: 250-890-9386
Cell: 250-702-6206
Mayor Baird: 250.897.5020
Mayor Helps: 250.361.0597


Background: Cumberland – First municipality in B.C. to adopt a Social Procurement
March 2016 Paper: Advancing Social Innovation in Canada

Source: Sandra Hamilton


The Canadian Alternative Investment Foundation (CAIF) is pleased to announce their second Call for Letters of Inquiry in 2016.

CAIF builds on CAIC’s (Canadian Alternative Investment Cooperative’s) three decades of experience as a social lender. We recognize that it takes more than capital to strengthen the charitable sector. There is also a need for expertise and capacity building grants to ensure that capital is used for the maximum benefit of the borrower.

Very few organizations will qualify for CAIF grants because the first criteria in assessing grant requests is determining whether debt financing is likely to play a role in the successful completion of the project being proposed. This grant is not a grant for ongoing program support or for the sole purpose of writing a social enterprise business plan. It is meant to enhance an organization’s ability to effectively use debt. Any applications not meeting this requirement will not be considered.

Deadline for Submission: Friday, June 10th, 2016.

The foundation will provide grants in the $5,000 to $15,000 range in three granting streams:

Stream I: Project Feasibility Study

This stream provides a preliminary level of support meant to help charitable organizations scope out need and do some analysis around it to better understand the issues and potential solutions.

Stream II: Business Plan Development

Once you have completed the feasibility study and decided that the project is viable and that financing is required the next logical step is a business plan. This will allow your organization to move from the theoretical to the practical in how they will meet their objectives and reach their goals. In order to access a Business Plan Development grant you must demonstrate that you have completed a Feasibility study (financed by CAIF or otherwise).

Stream III: Capacity Building

Grants would be made available to assist in the execution of a project. Grants would be directed towards retaining/hiring Project Management expertise and/or Financial Expertise.

The Canadian Alternative Investment Foundation (CAIF) operates with a two-stage application review process:

  • Letter of Inquiry (pre-proposal inquiry) and an;
  • Invited Applicant (full application process).

For more information about CAIF’s Capacity Building/Technical Assistance Grants and to access the guides, forms, and cover letters, click here


Toronto Enterprise FundWIN UP TO $75,000 FOR YOUR NEW SOCIAL ENTERPRISE!

The Toronto Enterprise Fund is pleased to announce the launch of its 2016 Business Plan Competition. The competition is open to non-profit social enterprises that provide transitional or permanent employment for people who are marginalized. A social enterprise is a business operated by a non-profit that sells goods and services in the market place, for the dual purpose of generating income and achieving a social, cultural or environmental goal.

This year, the deadline for submissions to the Competition is October 10, 2016. The first place winner can receive up to $75,000 in seed funding. A total of $155,000 is available for the winners.

To enter the competition, your organization or group must be a non-profit social enterprise, attend all the workshops (see content and dates below), create a feasibility study (by June 20), work with a volunteer mentor and submit a comprehensive business plan by the October 10th deadline. For more details on eligibility, please read through the eligibility criteria of the Business Plan Competition . If you plan to submit a business plan to the competition, please contact us to talk about your submission. Contact Shahil at (416) 777-1444 ext. 365 or sthomas at, or Litza at (416) 777-1444 ext. 235 or lchatzibas at

2016 TEF Business Planning Workshops

The Toronto Enterprise Fund (TEF) requires that all prospective applicants to the Business Plan Competition ATTEND ALL FOUR WORKSHOPS presented by TEF. (If you have attended one of these workshops in the past 2 years, you do not have to repeat it).

1. Introduction to Social Enterprise
Friday, April 29th 9:30am to 12:30pm

2. Feasibility and Market Research
Thursday, May 12th 9:30am to 2:30pm

3. Social Programming Design
Friday, June 17th 9:30am to 12:30pm + afternoon clinic

4. Financial Planning for Social Enterprise
Thursday, June 30th 9:30am to 12:30pm

To register for the workshop series and to find out more info, please click here


Neighbourhoods Alive!: Community Outcomes Final ReportIn 2015, Neighbourhoods Alive! (NA!) celebrated its fifteenth year of operation. After 15 years of operation, it might be a fair question to ask “What has been the impact of NA!, to date?”,  and whether NA! communities are being revitalized. NA! contracted independent Community Impact Evaluations in 2005 and 2010. The 2005 evaluation, conducted by the University of Winnipeg – Institute of Urban Studies (IUS), was done at a more formative stage of NA! and focused on the Community Led Development (CLD) model and the partnership with the Neighbourhood Renewal Corporations (NRC). It concluded that the CLD model and partnership with the NRCs had demonstrated some success, although the NRCs needed further support to fulfill a challenging role. The 2010 evaluation, conducted by EKOS, built on the work of the 2005 evaluation. It concluded that CLD model and partnership with the NRCs had resulted in both increased capacity for revitalization and improvements in the communities, although there remain areas for improvement. It included case studies in Brandon, North End Winnipeg and Spence. As of December 31, 2015, no further commitment to NA! Community Impact Evaluation had yet been publicly announced.

In terms of financial commitments towards community revitalization efforts, NA! has committed fairly significant funding through the three programs most associated with the CLD model: Neighbourhood Development Assistance NDA), Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF), and Neighbourhood Housing Assistance (NHA). As of March 31, 2015, NA! had committed an estimated $72 Million on the these three programs (extrapolated from the NA! 2010 Report to the Community and subsequent Manitoba Housing and Community Development Annual Reports). Perhaps equally important is the other funding and resources that NRCs and other organizations have been able to leverage from the three levels of government, charitable foundations and donors, businesses (including landlords), and residents (including homeowners) for local revitalization efforts. While it is fairly easy to quantify dollar amounts committed from these three NA! programs, it is much more difficult to determine what and how much other resources have been leveraged.

NDA has allowed for the formation of 13 NRCs across Manitoba, including six in Winnipeg. Several of these NRCs are relatively small organizations employing three people or less with budgets under $100,000 and in operation for less than ten years (one in operation for five years). The largest NRC, the North End Community Renewal Corporation (NECRC) in operation since 1998, currently employs approximately 50 people with an annual budget of approximately $5 Million (including $350,00 from NDA). The impact of the NRCs depends on a number of factors including the length of time in operation, the size of the community being served, challenges to the community and NRC, and the effectiveness of the NRC in coordinating local revitalization efforts.

NDA agreements identify five main areas for Expected Outcomes:

  1. Improved local housing conditions;
  2. Improved community facilities;
  3. Increased opportunities for education, training and employment;
  4. Increase recreational opportunities for children, youth, and adults; and
  5. Improved safety for local residents.

The NRC five-year Neighbourhood Renewal Plans are to reflect these revitalization priorities, although not limiting the NRCs to them or how they are addressed. In general, NRC plans have focused on these priorities to some extent within the context of their communities. NRF and NHA provide funding for various local revitalization projects in support of the NRC plans. In terms of the NRC renewal plans, they vary in the level of sophistication and the results that have been achieved. In some cases, the plans are modest and support smaller projects that may enhance recreational and other opportunities for local residents. In other cases, the plans are very ambitious addressing major challenges faced by the community.

It may be difficult to compare communities outside of Winnipeg, such as Thompson that is a municipality with its own local economy and government, to inner city Winnipeg neighbourhoods or even larger communities such as North End Winnipeg. A colleague who had been a long-term resident of Thompson commented that the price of nickel had much more to do with Thompson’s fortunes, but Neighbourhoods Alive! has contributed to the liveability of Thompson. The Brandon NRC has dealt with population growth such as that from Maple Leaf workers moving to Brandon by working with local landlords, businesses including developers, social service agencies, and government in developing more units of affordable housing to meet the demand.

There are many physical infrastructure improvements, including housing renewal, that have been completed both through the planning and coordinating efforts of NRCs and developmental efforts of local partners. While NHA has more recently been providing approximately $1 Million per year, mainly for small matching grants to homeowners and landlords for exterior renovations, the three levels of government and other funders have committed much more substantial funding for major housing renewal projects. In some cases such as the current Merchants Hub in the North End of Winnipeg, including several units of social housing and educational programs, the local NRC has taken a lead role in these projects. The Province of Manitoba has also committed over $15 Million with other funders committing an additional $2 Million, to date, for the Merchants Hub project.

There are also many local examples of projects that support the other three NDA priorities. While some NA! programs, such as Lighthouses, Urban Art Centres, and School Resource Officers, provide ongoing operational funding for some of these projects, sustaining revitalization efforts in these three areas has been challenging. Since 2011, the Province of Manitoba has also provided multi-year funding for some organizations/projects through its Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) funding.

Beyond dollars committed through NA! and revitalization projects undertaken, there is perhaps other ways to consider the impact of NA! and whether NA! communities are being revitalized. NA! communities were initially determined because they had been identified as neighbourhoods/communities in decline. Within Winnipeg, Major Improvement Areas (MIA) neighbourhoods were targeted. MIA neighbourhoods share common characteristics such as being neighbourhoods with declining population, older housing stock in need of major renovation, and lower family incomes. NA! communities, outside of Winnipeg, also share many of these characteristics. Conversely, increasing population, housing renewal, and increasing family incomes can be considered as signs of revitalization.

A recent research report by IUS, The Divided Prairie City (2015), focuses on the disparity in household income levels between affluent mainly suburban neighbourhoods and low-income older neighbourhoods in Winnipeg. It traces the social and economic factors that have contributed to this division between neighbourhoods, over time, including post-war suburban development and inner city decline. Comparing more affluent suburban neighbourhoods with poorer inner city and older neighbourhoods illustrates the growing gap in income levels.

Another research report by the Canadian Centre of Policy Alternatives (CCPA) Manitoba, State of the Inner City Report (2015), focuses on examining changes in a number of inner city Winnipeg demographics and indicators of revitalization, over time. It reviewed census data from 1996 to 2011. It revealed that there has been a general increase in population, income levels, homeownership, and property values within the inner city since 2001. A complicating factor, however, was the change by Statistics Canada to the voluntary National Household Survey in 2011. This change makes it difficult, if not impossible, to reliably compare changes in many factors such as income levels. The return of the mandatory long-form census for 2016 could indicate whether some of these trends are continuing.

A comparison of two particular NA! inner city Winnipeg neighbourhoods, Spence and William Whyte, can help illustrate both the decline and more recent increases/stabilization in population within these neighbourhoods. These are two diverse neighbourhoods separated by the rail yards physically dividing Winnipeg, but with some common characteristics. As illustrated below, both of these neighbourhoods lost approximately 40% of their population between 1971 and 2001, although there was a modest increase for both neighbourhoods in 1986 and the rate of decline was subsequently greatly reduced. Both of these neighbourhoods have exhibited increases in population since 2001. While these neighbourhoods may never return to the population levels they once had, their population base may be stabilizing. The 2016 census should also indicate whether this trend has continued for these neighbourhoods.

Total Population (both sexes) for Spence and William Whyte NeighbourhoodsThere are several factors that could be contributing to population increases in Spence and William Whyte since 2001, as well as other inner city neighbourhoods. Between 2001 and 2011, immigration to Manitoba increased substantially with many newcomers initially settling in inner city neighbourhoods with relatively affordable housing, good public transportation, and other services. Aboriginal families also continue to be particularly well represented in North End neighbourhoods such as William Whyte.  Revitalization efforts, particularly improvements in housing conditions, safety, and recreational opportunities may be making inner city neighbourhoods more attractive, although it is difficult to attribute the increase in population to any one specific factor.

At the same time, relatively affordable inner city housing and other factors may ensure that inner city neighbourhoods retain more lower income families. Neighbourhoods such as Lord Selkirk Park, including the largest Manitoba Housing complex in Winnipeg, will likely continue to be lower income neighbourhoods, although perhaps with good access to schools, health care, and other resources. Issues in these neighbourhoods such as gang activity, child sexual exploitation, and domestic violence, however, may be consequences of poverty that will continue to need to be addressed through general and targeted social and economic policy and programs.

The impact of NA! and whether NA! communities are being revitalized is complex and difficult to precisely determine.  The Province of Manitoba along with other partners in revitalization, however, should be engaged in an ongoing process to ensure that revitalization efforts are effective in meeting their objectives and that conditions in communities targeted for revitalization are improving. Revitalization efforts that demonstrate good results should also be considered for expansion. It may be the case that some current NA! communities can now manage without NA!, while other communities not currently served by NA! be considered for revitalization programs. New tri-partite and bi-partite governmental revitalization agreements may also be a way to ensure that the three levels of government work together to ensure the best results for their collective efforts. While there is some recent evidence that indicates NA! communities are being revitalized, there is also considerable evidence to suggest that there needs to be an ongoing commitment by all three levels of government and other partners to sustain and expand these revitalization efforts in communities that are in most need of revitalization.

For more information on NA!, check out the resources below:

Richard Dilay

Richard Dilay is currently a self-employed Organizational Consultant. For 11.5 years, between 2000 and 2014, he was the Manager of Neighbourhoods Alive! (on secondment to the department of Family Services between 2010 and 2012). Previously, he worked as a Community Organizer, Child Welfare Worker, and Immigrant Counsellor in Winnipeg. He has a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Manitoba.


Applications are now open for the communityBUILD Social Venture Pipeline!

The Accelerator

The Incubator

Who is Eligible for this Program?

​Terms and Conditions


To improve the success of social ventures in getting to launch and accessing funding and investment. 


The Social Venture Pipeline is program of the communityBUILD initiative. It is a curated pathway for those ventures approaching launch into market and revenue generation consisting of a 4.5-month Accelerator program followed by a 3-month Incubator. Participants will be supported to move their businesses forward to launch through education, networking and mentoring provided by communityBUILD’s expert mentors.

Submit your application

The elements of the Social Venture Pipeline’s approach are:

  1. Teach a few key entrepreneurial tools to ventures and spend most of the time applying them to the business with the support of experienced mentors
  2. Ventures benefit from utilizing the power of collaboration and understanding within a community of social ventures
  3. Interacting with other ventures that bring different perspectives and experiences generates greater innovation for each participant
  4. The broad social innovation ecosystem of ventures, resources and expertise provides the fertile soil in which the strongest ventures can grow.  The entrepreneur who has the most suitable DNA and finds the most beneficial location in the soil will have a better chance of success.

communityBUILD ventures will be pioneers in helping to build a social innovation ecosystem in York Region that will bring together a community of entrepreneurs, resources, expertise and mentoring in the years ahead.  All members will share a passion to change the world but know that the issues they’re confronting are so complex that innovation and impact can only be achieved through collaboration.


  • Improve your chances of launching a sustainable and impactful venture in the Venture Pipeline
  • Access to unparalleled entrepreneurial and social mission expertise
  • Become part of a cohort of participant ventures and share the process of seven months of development
  • Benefit from a carefully constructed, progressive program to develop successful social entrepreneurs
  • Increase your understanding of both the risks and opportunities for your ventures
  • Meet potential funders and investors
  • Compete for $7,500 in grants during the Accelerator reserved for communityBUILD ventures


April 15: Deadline for submission of applications

April 18: Announcement of ventures selected for interviews

April 21: Selection of up to 10 ventures to enter pitch competition

April 27: Pitch competition – up to 5 ventures will be selected at a public event to enter the Social Venture Pipeline


The Accelerator will take place at York University.  The Incubator will be situated in York Region with the location to be announced.


Compete for $7,500 in grants reserved for communityBUILD ventures during the Accelerator


Budget 2016: Growing the Middle ClassBudget 2016 was tabled Tuesday in the House of Commons. As part of pre-budget consultations, CCEDNet and many of our members and partners prepared recommendations that have been posted on our website.

While the budget seems to have positive measures and investments to reduce poverty and inequality, improve access to affordable housing, reduce homelessness and invest in First Nations, it misses the chance to strengthen the role community-based leadership can play to support those investments. The Budget made no mention of community economic development, social enterprises, co-operatives, social finance, impact investing, social procurement, Community Futures Development Corporations / Community Business Development Corporations or community benefit agreements.

Positive Budget Measures

The budget does include potentially positive measures for renewable energy and rural vitality (page numbers refer to the English PDF version of the budget plan)

  • There is $128.8m over 5 years for Natural Resources Canada for energy efficiency policies and programs, and $10.7m over two years to Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada to implement renewable energy projects in off-grid Indigenous and northern communities, and new funding for the First Nations Infrastructure Fund, which will support a range of community infrastructure investments, including energy systems (p.158). This could be an important opportunity for CCEDNet members working in community renewable energy and on First Nations, like Aki Energy.
  • The only mention of rural communities was to improve access to broadband (p.104).  

Ongoing Policy Opportunities

Despite the absence in the budget of new investments, a number of important policy opportunities are in motion federally: 

In closing it is worth noting the the projected growth of public transit, green infrastructure and social infrastructure investments by the federal government over the next 10 years presented on p.87 of the budget document. Although this year’s budget may not contain any provisions for social finance infrastructure, community benefits or social procurement as we have been presenting them, the scale and timeframe of future investments reinforces the importance and opportunity for us to influence those investments.

Below are some budget reactions from CCEDNet members and partners


Manitoba Election 2016: Policy CentralElections are a time when advocates take the stage to promote public and political education on the policy we work on all year round. It can be difficult to cut through competing interests and raise the profile of comprehensive issues that take more than a sound bite or a debate to describe and understand.

CCEDNet Manitoba has released its election toolkit for the upcoming April 19, 2016 provincial election. The toolkit includes an election web page with policy questions for candidates, member election events and voting information. When we receive responses from the parties on our questions, we’ll post them here.

The policy document highlights our members’ interconnected priority areas. These were identified during a Member Meeting last spring, and refined over the past year through multiple member conversations. These are not a comprehensive list of our full policy mandate, but get at key elements and focus areas within our priorities.

The individual policies (listed below) are reliant on each other, and must be integrated in a comprehensive way in order to accomplish community goals.  For example, providing a safe and affordable home in a supportive community can create stability for someone with barriers to employment to find work in a social enterprise focused on food security and find a way out of poverty.

1. Community Poverty Reduction Strategy
2. Creating Jobs through Social Enterprise
3. Building A Green Economy
4. Investing in Northern Food Security
5. Strengthening Community-based Organizations

Our work relies heavily on and succeeds because of our extensive member network and culture of collaboration. We invite our members to ask questions, get involved and make sure political candidates represent your community views and are held accountable for their actions all year long.

For more information go to our web page.  


Systems thinking for community groupsSystems thinking can seem complex and inaccessible but even the smallest group of people working towards change can learn from it. Kate Swade sets out five ways to use it.

Google ‘systems change’ and you get almost 1.5bn results. Do the same with ‘systems thinking’ and you get almost 23 million. There is a wealth of thinking, debate, theory and practice out there – once you become aware of the language, it can seem that everyone’s doing it, or talking about it at least.

I’ve worked in the development trust and community asset movements for almost 10 years, and had come to think of myself as very much a practitioner. Not distrustful of theories, exactly, but unsure of their relevance to my work. I don’t tend to be a grand narratives type of person, and have always learnt far more from working with people than from reading theories.

I came across the ideas of systems thinking accidentally – a mention of ‘human ecology’ that set me off on one of those lovely trails of following internet links, and suddenly – horrors! – found myself not only reading theories, but getting excited about them, making notes, wanting more. I even found myself saying, ‘I’ve found my theoretical framework!’ to a slightly nonplussed friend.

So what actually is systems change?

The current issue of New Start is investigating systems change. In order to change a system, you need to be able to think about it: systems thinking is a precursor to systems change.

The starting point is the recognition that we all consist of and are part of multiple interconnecting systems – biological, social, organisational. Systems thinking takes this recognition and uses it as the basis for trying to understand and change the world. Systems thinking sees the relationships within and between systems as crucially important, and recognises that there is huge complexity in these relationships. Doing something to one part of the system may have unexpected effects in another part.

However, much ‘systems’ literature can be complex and inaccessible, and there are many different approaches to and ways of understanding systems thinking. At its most powerful, it’s a different way of looking at the world, a coherent and complex worldview.

Much systems thinking seems to assume (reasonably!) that if you are trying to change a system you have some power or authority within that system. Community organisations, though, rarely have formal power over the thing they are trying to change, especially groups of people who have come together to try and take control of a piece of land or other asset. In my work at Shared Assets we work to develop new models of the management and governance of land and natural resources, and we work with lots of small and ambitious community organisations who manage or want to manage land.

My question, therefore, was: can systems thinking be useful for community groups? And if it can, which elements could be most useful? Eighteen months, a lot of books, many wonderful conversations, and a fabulous course later, I’ve just finished a piece of work for my Clore Social Leadership Fellowship that tries to answer this question. On the next page are some of the ways I think systems thinking can help community organisations:

Five ways in which systems thinking could be useful for community groups:

It seems to me that there are five key areas where insights from systems thinking could be useful for community groups (or indeed any small group of people trying to change a system). There are links to more thoughts on all of these things in the headings.

  1. Relationships – us and other people

A key tenet of systems thinking is that you have an impact on a system just by being in it. Finding ways of understanding where you and the other members of your group are coming from will help in agreeing strategies and lay the ground for any difficult conversations – which are likely to be necessary at some point! The other practical side of this is the key systems idea that there is no one objective truth – everyone sees things slightly differently and by creating the space for open conversations we are actually more likely to get closer to an accurate view of any situation.

  1. Communication

Thinking about how we – both individually and as a group – communicate is really important. It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. There are different ways of talking and listening – different ‘qualities of attention’ that can have very different results.

  1. Mapping and context

Even if you’ve been working on something for a long time, it’s always worth making the time to step back and take a fresh look at your context. Working together to create a map of your current situation can be a great way of getting a new perspective on what to do next, and on what you might be missing.

  1. Modelling – where do you want to be?

Creating a similar map, but of the future situation that you’d like to see, can be a powerful way of getting to an agreement about the way forward, and to think creatively about the best ways to spend your time and energy.

  1. Experimenting

One of the big problems with seeing the world in a systemic way is that it can all seem overwhelming: if everything is connected, part of a bigger system, how can we ever really change anything? Taking an experimental approach involves really thinking about your context, trying small actions, reflecting on their impact, recognising that it is really impossible to predict exactly what is likely to happen in a given situation. It can be a really useful way of moving forward in situations which may otherwise feel overwhelming.

None of these things are radical in themselves, necessarily, but taken together they being to form a coherent framework for action that is rooted in systems theories. There’s more information on all of this, including some good reading to get started, here:

In essence, systems thinking is a worldview, and an attitude – of inquiry and reflection. Thinking and working in ways that recognise the interconnectedness of the world is the first step – it seems to me – to being able to make the systemic changes that we need to see.

Originally published by New Start Magazine on January 16, 2015

Kate SwadeKate Swade is Development Manager at Shared Assets, a not for profit company that promotes community management of environmental assets such as waterways, woodlands and green spaces. She is a passionate advocate of community led solutions to urban and rural development challenges.

Previously, she ran the consultancy service at Coin Street Community Builders, the social enterprise that has transformed London’s South Bank into a vibrant mixed use neighbourhood. She helped ambitious community groups and neighbourhood organisations across the country develop regeneration and building projects.


The 2016 Alternative Federal BudgetThe 2016 Alternative Federal Budget (AFB), released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), projects a federal deficit of $29.2 billion for 2016-17 when Liberal platform measures are taken into account. It also delivers a blueprint showing how the government could take on a $37.9 billion deficit and still maintain Canada’s debt-to-GDP ratio.

This year’s AFB includes proposals for:

  • the creation of a National Community Development Agency;
  • a purchasing strategy that incorporates social and environmental value-weighting in all municipal procurement and that uses a community benefit clause on all appropriate contracts; and
  • a federal neighbourhood revitalization fund of $500m over five years. 

The AFB, now in its 21st year, brings together leading Canadian economists and sectoral experts to produce a detailed progressive economic plan—and the means to pay for it. The measures in the Alternative Federal Budget would lift 1.1 million Canadians out of poverty, reduce income inequality, boost economic growth, and, at its peak, result in 520,000 new jobs, bringing Canada’s unemployment rate to 6.0%. “We shouldn’t let the idea of federal deficits, even relatively large ones, scare us off making much needed investments in Canada. Every dollar of a federal deficit puts a surplus dollar in the pocket of the provinces, Canadian families or businesses.” says David Macdonald, Senior Economist. “The Alternative Federal Budget illustrates how well structured spending more than makes up for any additional debt through a stronger economy.”

The Alternative Federal Budget raises the bar on transparency by providing an accounting of the distributional impacts on Canadian families of all proposed changes in taxation, transfers, and program spending—something no government budget, federal or provincial, has ever undertaken.

Download the Alternative Federal Budget 2016

The AFB also stresses policies to address income inequality—not exacerbate it. The bottom 90% of families (those earning less than $165,000 a year) would see a net benefit from the AFB’s program spending and tax and transfer measures while the top 5% of earners will see tax increases equivalent to about 2.6% of their average income.

“There is no deficit in the capacity or imagination of this country,” says Senior Researcher Kate McInturff. “There is more than enough fiscal room to ensure that everyone can have a better future. What we need now is growth that raises everyone’s standard of living, rather than more savings for the wealthy few.”

The AFB plan:

  • introduces a national carbon tax at $30 a tonne with a refund for low-income families;
  • fosters a highly skilled workforce by eliminating university tuition fees;
  • tackles the ongoing crisis for First Nations housing, drinking water, and education;
  • enacts a comprehensive federal poverty reduction plan that would cut seniors’ poverty in half and cut child poverty by a quarter;
  • integrates long-term care, home care, and pharmacare into Canada’s publicly funded health care system;
  • repairs our cities by providing $7 billion a year for municipal infrastructure renewal; and
  • meets the needs of today’s families by investing in affordable child care and enhancing parental leave.

“There is a broad consensus that large deficit spending is necessary in Canada. The Alternative Federal Budget proves we can fight climate change and create jobs at the same time, and shows how we can reduce poverty through responsible economic growth,” says David Macdonald.

Alternative Federal Budget 2016: It’s Time To Move On is available on the CCPA website:

For more information, contact Kerri-Anne Finn, CCPA Director of Communications, at 613-563-1341 x306 or 613-266-9491.

Momentum Award

From left: Jeff Loomis, Momentum Executive Director; Lucy Miller, United Way of Calgary and Area President & CEO; Donna McBride, Momentum Operations Director

Each year, United Way of Calgary and Area celebrates the spirit and generosity of people and organizations that display outstanding leadership and dedication through the Spirits of Gold Awards.

Just this past month, Momentum was recognized with the 2015 Spirits of Gold: Social Innovation Award.This award is presented to initiatives or agencies that have implemented a socially-innovative idea that has led to a community or organizational change.

Momentum was recognized with this award for their leadership in convening, designing and stewarding the Financial Empowerment Collaborative. With this group, Momentum has been leveraging what they’ve learned through their financial literacy programs to create systems change with the potential to affect change for 45,000 Calgarians living on low incomes by 2023.

It’s no secret that poverty is a complex issue, so it is understandable that it requires a many-sided solution. While no single approach alone can end poverty, asset-building has been proven to be effective in creating financial stability for people living on low incomes. Together, Momentum and the Financial Empowerment Collaborative are using this knowledge to create opportunities for Calgarians to transition out of poverty.

The Financial Empowerment Collaborative has over 40 members from a variety of sectors including nonprofit, government, financial, education, and business.

SOURCE: Momentum
