Category: Co-operatives

2017 was a tough year. Growing precariousness, widening economic inequality and a political system that seems to abet these destructive trends may leave one feeling disillusioned and uncertain of the…

Canadian co-operatives and mutuals have committed $25 Million to establish the Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund (CCIF).  The CCIF will provide financing for new and expanding Canadian co-operatives in Canada. The…

The BC Co-operative Association applauds the Provincial Government for seeing co-operatives as key to building a sustainable provincial economy.   BCCA Board Chair Ben Hyman and Vice Chair John Kay…

On 20th and 21st October the EUKN welcomed Holzmarkt to Amsterdam for our 2014 Annual Conference – ‘The Civic Economy: time to get ready’. Holzmarkt are a perfect example of…

The Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF) and their partner, the Canadian Co-operative Association’s (CCA) work is rooted in the values of co-operation and owes it success to the Canadians…

Credit Union Central of Canada (CUCC) announced the recipients of the 2017 National Credit Union Awards Program on May 10. The National Credit Union Awards highlight fresh and effective programs that…

The Parliament of Canada has voted unanimously to adopt Motion M-100, sending a clear message and mandate to the Government of Canada. M-100 is a Private Member’s Motion, tabled by…

The Award for Co-operative Achievement is a prestigious award that recognizes an inspiring achievement by a Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada) member and creates a lasting legacy. The Award champions…

The BC Co-operative Association (BCCA) is excited to announce that they are now accepting applications for this year’s Cooperate Now program.  Cooperate Now will be held May 4 – 7, 2017…

CHF Canada wants to support diversity projects in your community. How do you promote and celebrate diversity?  Are you working on a special project that involves diversity? Do you have…

Co-operatives in Canada continue to be important actors in Canada’s social economy. The strength of the co-operative model lies in its ability to support local economies by revitalizing and sustaining…

On November 28th, 2016, Alexandra Mendès, Member of Parliament for Brossard – Saint-Lambert, tabled Motion M-100. The purpose of Motion M-100 is to provide for the development and implementation of a…