Category: Social Economy & Social Enterprise

The Government of the United Kingdom has launched their first Civil Society Strategy in 15 years. The Strategy will build stronger communities by bringing together businesses, charities and the public sector, the Government…

So a friend just shared an article with me about something called Localism. It’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about these days. It’s a huge part of an organization I’ve mentioned before that…

The government needs to ‘do different,’ by rethinking the way they partner with social purpose organizations and empowering community-level responses to the challenges that matter to them. Let’s unleash the…

Over the last 30 years or so, Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) organizations and businesses have grown all over the world. Sometimes they are classified as local development, community development, solidarity economy…

It’s our pleasure to release our newest report, Connected and Ready: The Impact of the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy. This report is an impact analysis of the Manitoba Social Enterprise…

It’s my pleasure to release our newest report, Connected and Ready: The Impact of the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy. This report is an impact analysis of the Manitoba Social Enterprise…

Sheldon Pollett, Executive Director at Choices for Youth, speaking at the release of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Social Enterprise Action Plan On May 30, 2018, the Honourable Christopher Mitchelmore, Minister of…

Last month, Winnipeg’s City Council successfully voted to create a ‘buy local’ procurement policy. The procurement specialists at the city have been given 3 months to bring the policy back…

Red River College plans to launch Canada’s first Social Enterprise diploma. Join us to learn more from Indigenous leadership and Social Enterprise practitioners. Download the brochure here This two-day workshop…

The International Centre for Innovation and Knowledge Transfer on the Social and Solidarity Economy (C.I.T.I.E.S.) has opened its new headquarters at the Maison de l’économie sociale in Montréal’s Centre-Sud district….

CCEDNet has joined Alliance 2030! CCEDNet is also currently a member of Together 2030 to promote national implementation and track progress of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We’re also a member of RIPESS who has been…

The Government of Ontario has announced $13.6M in investments and funding as part of the provincial Social Enterprise Strategy.  The investments will improve social enterprises’ access to capital and business supports,…