Speakers 2024
Concurrent workshops will be running in the morning and in the afternoon. Participants will have the opportunity to attend one workshop in each block.
Visit the Program page for the schedule.
Visit the Workshop page for descriptions and times.
No need to sign up! Workshops are first come, first served. Volunteers will help you find the workshop locations at Children of the Earth High School.

Afsheen Siddiqui
Healthy Muslim Families
Employment Coordinator
Amna Burki
Founder and Lead Facilitator
Amna Iqbal
Healthy Muslim Families
Director of Programs
Amy Black
Community Financial Counselling Services
Program Coordinator
Bethany Daman
Manitoba’s Climate Action Team
Communications Manager
Brendan Reimer
Assiniboine Credit Union
Strategic Partner, Values-Based Banking
Cara McCaskill
Heartwood Healing Centre
Program Manager
Carinna D’Abramo Rosales
SEED Winnipeg
Co-Executive Director
Chanelle Lajoie
Chiyi Tam
Toronto Chinatown Land Trust
Managing Director
Christey Allen
Prairie Climate Centre
Managing Director
Connor Milligan
FortWhyte Farms
Farm Program and Employment Coordinator
Debby McLeod
Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities
Accessibility Coordinator
Demian Lawrenchuk
Food Matters Manitoba
Executive Director
Desiree McIvor
Make Poverty History Manitoba
Edda Livingstone
The Village Co-operative
Elder Mae Louise Campbell
Clan Mothers Healing Village and Knowledge Centre
Elder and Co-Founder
Ella Rockar
Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities
Outreach and Communications Coordinator
Erica McNabb
Manitoba Harm Reduction Network
Erika Frey Morote
Manitoba Association for Newcomer Serving Organizations
Project Lead, Manitoba’s GBA Plus
Erika MacPherson
Prairie Climate Centre
Documentary Filmmaker
Gerrie Prymak
The Village Co-operative
Hani A. Al-Ubeady
Healthy Muslim Families
Hannah Muhajarine
Climate Reality Project Canada / Manitoba’s Climate Action Team
Hernan Popper
POPP3R Cybersecurity
Holly Scotland
Community Based Research Training Centre, University of Winnipeg
Humaira Jaleel
Healthy Muslim Families
Executive Director
Jesse Hajer
University of Manitoba
Jonah Pearce
Sixteenth Letter Collaborative
Judith Harris
University of Winnipeg; The Village Co-operative
Kathy Majowski
Healthy Aging Resource Team (HART) – WRHA
Community Facilitator
Kayla Penelton
FortWhyte Farms
Farm Program and Development Manager
Kelsey Guyot
Heartwood Healing Centre
Community Engagement Coordinator
Kirsten Bernas
West Central Women’s Resource Centre
Director of Housing
Kristi Rivait
Scale Collaborative
Co-Founder and Director, Partnerships and Programs
Laurie Ringaert
Change Weavers Consulting
Principal Consultant and Owner
Linda Brown
Manitoba Association of Senior Communities
Liz Cron
Blueprint Inc.
Marg Fraser
Manitoba Association of Senior Communities.
Marianne Cerilli
Marianne Cerilli – Change Agent
Social Innovator and Consultant
Matt Rempel
Strategy Made Simple
Matthew Loxley
Prairie Climate Centre
Research Associate
Melissa Chung-Mowat
Blueprint Inc.
Melissa Graham
Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities
Executive Director
Mohamed Zain Munshi
Healthy Muslim Families
Employment Facilitator
Molly McCracken
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Manitoba Director
Natalie Wiebe
SEED Winnipeg
Program Manager
Nicole Closs
YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg Mental Health Services
Omar Fahmawi
Access to Justice Project Coordinator
Peter Cantelon
Jubilee Fund
Executive Director
Philip Mikulec
Peg City Car Co-op
Rebecca Trudeau
YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg Mental Health Services
Robyn Penner Thiessen
Robyn Penner Thiessen Consulting
Founder & Lead Consultant
Sabrina Musto
Buy Social Canada
Senior Social Procurement Consultant
Sally Ogoe
Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations
Research Lead, Gender-Based Analysis (GBA) Plus
Serena Bittner
Manitoba Association of Senior Communities
Shauna MacKinnon
Manitoba Research Alliance
Associate Professor and Chair, Dept of Urban and Inner-City Studies, U of W; MRA Principal Investigator
Sheryl Peters
Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities
Project Coordinator
Uyen Pham
Artbeat Studio
Executive Director
Vera Goussaert
Manitoba Co-op Association
Executive Director
Virginia Hunter
The Village Co-operative
Vivian Spence
The Village Co-operative
Indigenous Elder
Wendy Peterson
Community Futures Westman
Community Development Analyst