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Calling all Social Entrepreneurs: Are you launching a business or enterprising non-profit organization that focuses on creating social impact? Futurpreneur Canada is looking for entrepreneurs who are using business principles…

On July 3rd, during the 2nd Meeting of the High Level Political Forum of the UN, the Social Solidarity Economy Recommendations were officially delivered to the United Nations State Members,…

For more than a decade, CCEDNet has been an active supporter in the development of the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS). In recent years,…

call_for_solutions.png CFED has launched a call for solutions to discover and highlight strategies that address the key financial challenges facing low- and moderate-income microbusinesses. They’re looking for solutions that have…

Minister of State (Finance) Kevin Sorenson and Minister of State (Seniors) Alice Wong joined forces with Canada’s Financial Literacy Leader Jane Rooney to launch consultations on a proposed strategy to…

Vancouver Toronto Montreal Hallifax These are the four cities that will be transformed by citizen-driven interventions this Saturday, June 7th. And there’s still time to be part of the action!…

Deadline for submissions is June 9th, 2014 caif.jpg The Canadian Alternative Investment Foundation (CAIF) has announced a call for a second round of granting in 2014 for their Capacity Building/Technical Assistance Grants….

shareable-logo_0_0.png Shareable is soliciting seed grant proposals to support the development resource sharing and solidarity economy projects to be launched by December 2014. Along with seed grants of $500-$1000, Shareable…

It’s up to us to create community. In Deepening Community, Paul Born shows us that the opportunity is right in front of us if we have the courage and conviction…

Social enterprise, while having existed for a long time under different names, has over the last decade or more become part of a growing movement in Canada to address economic…

A special supplement of Canadian Public Policy, Canada’s foremost journal examining economic and social policy, highlights some of the key policy research produced by the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships…

coopzone.jpg CoopZone is again accepting applications to its co-op development training courses for 2014-15. Register for free information webinars on May 27th, June 13th, and August 15th or visit…